Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Wild Monkeyshines in Jacksonville!
Two separate incidents in Jacksonville, Florida overnight...
The first is a shoot-em-up where one suspook in a mask shoots up a car with a buck and a sow.
No leads on the shooter.
In the second case, we have an armed carjacking. A Sheriff's Deputy spotted the stolen car and attempted to stop the criminal. The jigaboo slowed down, and according to authorities, kicked the passenger out. No details on them.
The nigger ditched the stolen car and ran into a neighborhood. The wrong neighborhood! The nigger ran into an open garage, attempted to steal another car. In all of the commotion, residents of the neighborhood, ARMED RESIDENTS, went looking for the nigger. Meanwhile the nigger went BACK the the home with the open garage. This time the owner had armed himself. The nigger, also armed, advanced on the homeowner, who told the nigger to stop. The nigger kept coming and the homeowner shot the nigger. Unfortunately his aim wasn't too good and he only hit the nigger in the leg. More range time is in order.
A spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Office made sure to note the homeowner feared for his life, as justification for shooting the nigger. This is how it is supposed to work.
Unfortunately in both situations the Bat Fairy was denied.
Wild niggers everywhere!
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Senior Trustee
The saddest part of all is that no bat wings were issued.
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Two separate incidents in Jacksonville, Florida overnight...
The first is a shoot-em-up where one suspook in a mask shoots up a car with a buck and a sow.
No leads on the shooter.
In the second case, we have an armed carjacking. A Sheriff's Deputy spotted the stolen car and attempted to stop the criminal. The jigaboo slowed down, and according to authorities, kicked the passenger out. No details on them.
The nigger ditched the stolen car and ran into a neighborhood. The wrong neighborhood! The nigger ran into an open garage, attempted to steal another car. In all of the commotion, residents of the neighborhood, ARMED RESIDENTS, went looking for the nigger. Meanwhile the nigger went BACK the the home with the open garage. This time the owner had armed himself. The nigger, also armed, advanced on the homeowner, who told the nigger to stop. The nigger kept coming and the homeowner shot the nigger. Unfortunately his aim wasn't too good and he only hit the nigger in the leg. More range time is in order.
A spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Office made sure to note the homeowner feared for his life, as justification for shooting the nigger. This is how it is supposed to work.
Unfortunately in both situations the Bat Fairy was denied.
Wild niggers everywhere!
The wes' si' is the MOST nigger-FUXATED part of Jacksonville!! It looks like Botswana!!
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Senior Corrections Officer
More range time is definitely in order for this homeowner. He had a great opportunity to save the taxpayers a fortune. Next time may I suggest something more like a 12 gauge and 00 buck? What a wild night of knuckling niggers.
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Originally Posted by
The wes' si' is the MOST nigger-FUXATED part of Jacksonville!! It looks like Botswana!!
You got that right. It’s a shithole and smells like niggers if you come anywhere near it.

We wuz Vikangz, Native Amuricahns, Buhgypshuns, Eskimos, Mermaids, Australians, Beethoven, Shakespeare and Flyin Purramiyid Pilots.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Jim Crow
The saddest part of all is that no bat wings were issued.
Indeed! Sad day.
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