Boardwalk Empire star Michael Stuhlbarg has been attacked by a rock-wielding homeless nigger near New York City's Central Park.

Stuhlbarg, 55, was approached seemingly at random by the attacker in the upscale Upper East Side neighborhood on Sunday evening, cops told
He was walking close to East 90th and East Drive around 7:45pm when Xavier Israel, 27, threw a rock at his head, striking him in the back of the neck.
Stuhlbarg suffered 'minor injuries' and he chased Israel down to the Russian consulate at East 91st Street, where cops stationed outside apprehended him.
Of course, the nigger has been arrested for assault before, in the NIgger Catch-and-Release Program.

He has previously been arrested for two violent assaults and a robbery in January 2022, cops confirmed.
In one incident that month, he knocked a 59-year-old Good Samaritan to the ground and mugged him after the man tried to offer him a coat amid freezing temperatures.
(when will people learn that you never EVER help niggers? They just see you as weak and WILL attack)

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