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  1. #1
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    The 'religion of peace' firebombs a Super Mart over Chinese made 'allah socks'

    Malaysia police have confirmed that a petrol bomb was thrown at a KK Super Mart convenience store in Perak early Tuesday (Mar 26) morning.

    This incident comes after socks bearing the word “Allah” were found to be sold by the minimart chain .

    Malaysian court charged five executives from the supermarket chain and its supplier with hurting religious feelings on Tuesday.

    Perak police chief Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri said a local worker found the bomb at the store in Jalan Bruseh, near Bidor, at 5.35am. She lodged a police report regarding the incident at 8.49am.
    The sale of the socks had drawn a rare royal rebuke from Malaysia's king, who called for an investigation and "strict action" against those who are found guilty.

    Photos of the socks circulated quickly on social media, sparking public outrage as some Muslims regarded them to be insulting, especially as the incident happened during the fasting month of Ramadan.
    Supplier Xin Jian Chang also issued an apology, and explained that the "problematic socks were part of a larger shipment of 18,800 pairs ordered" from a China-based company.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    F@ck malaysia, it's a $hi+h0le country fULL of @$$lifter$!! Bathhouse barry 0bunghole spent some time there with his coal burning mammy!!

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  4. #3
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    Maybe we could get B- iden to proclaim April 1st national Allah Sock day. Type it up and have Karine diversity hire shove it next his ice cream.
    I love how China somehow felt they had to apologize too. Very interesting.
    These Muslim assholes get pissed over the dumbest stuff, but amazingly are ok with chopping off their wives' heads for not wearing a full body sock in public. They are evil versions of people, much like their cousins the nigger.

    Gay barry did spend some time in this shithole getting radicalized, I'm sure. I wonder if Big mike was brought in then or if he was saved for later.

  5. #4
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    Barry was radicalized…and sodomized! Having a Commie coal burner for a mother while being taught at an Islamic religious school did the little shit no good at all, and the whole world had to suffer for it.
    "They is four things that can destroy the earth. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers."
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  7. #5
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    The the store people are in trouble, not the terrorists.

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  9. #6
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    That’s exactly what you get when you allow radical savage uncivilized muzzie beasts to infest your country. they better get used to it or start taking action by taking their country back before it’s too late.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    That’s exactly what you get when you allow radical savage uncivilized muzzie beasts to infest your country. they better get used to it or start taking action by taking their country back before it’s too late.
    I think I'll market some allah jock straps!

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