Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Longtime lurker
I've probably been lurking on and off for 14 years, recently became addicted to the mudshark mortuary. You guys are the funniest mother fuckers I've ever read, I feel like I have to contribute some of my favorite stuff now to repay you for the endless laughs. I think I laughed at "George Groid" for 20 minutes straight last night.
Let's keep doing the lord's work here.
Post Thanks / Like - 7 Likes
Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Ray Cistman
I've probably been lurking on and off for 14 years, recently became addicted to the mudshark mortuary. You guys are the funniest mother fuckers I've ever read, I feel like I have to contribute some of my favorite stuff now to repay you for the endless laughs. I think I laughed at "George Groid" for 20 minutes straight last night.
Let's keep doing the lord's work here.
Hello and welcome!
Yes, this is a great place for us to laugh through our tears!
"Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."
Post Thanks / Like - 2 Likes
Welcome fellow racist! Well speciest to be precise.
Coalburning is bestiality.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Likes
Senior Corrections Officer
Welcome and keep reading the posts. Niggers are a hilarious species and their antics as they rape and murder their way through our society while being supported by both our politicians and the media make their nigger behavior while tragic most times, even funnier.
The anointment of St George griod became a rallying point for street communists everywhere and still remains a never ending funny point for us chimpers.
Welcome again, read the rules and enjoy.
Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Ray Cistman
I've probably been lurking on and off for 14 years, recently became addicted to the mudshark mortuary. You guys are the funniest mother fuckers I've ever read, I feel like I have to contribute some of my favorite stuff now to repay you for the endless laughs. I think I laughed at "George Groid" for 20 minutes straight last night.
Let's keep doing the lord's work here.
Welcome knee grow! I mean Ray. Ole George the groid is flapping around with his batwings in hell where he belongs as we speak. Probably getting his purple, fat, suction cup bootlips stuck on satan’s window every time he flies into it. Fuck that nigger. I wouldn’t piss on it if it was on fire. Yet, libtard country sets the world ablaze over his parasitic, uselss ass that had never contributed one thing to society. Anyways, welcome!

We wuz Vikangz, Native Amuricahns, Buhgypshuns, Eskimos, Mermaids, Australians, Beethoven, Shakespeare and Flyin Purramiyid Pilots.
Senior Trustee
No relation to the other Raymond by any chance ? 
Welcome to the sanest space on earth !
Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Ray Cistman
I've probably been lurking on and off for 14 years, recently became addicted to the mudshark mortuary. You guys are the funniest mother fuckers I've ever read, I feel like I have to contribute some of my favorite stuff now to repay you for the endless laughs. I think I laughed at "George Groid" for 20 minutes straight last night.
Let's keep doing the lord's work here.
Welcome to the best damn site on the web.
Nigger: "Yo, dawg, lemee up in yo crib." Me: Stares in 12 gauge.
Senior Trustee
Yoyoyo muh nigguhhh! Yoyo!
Welcome to the forum!
Super Moderator
Senior Crime Reporter
LT. Colonel
Welcome to Chimp Out, the first website on the nets to correctly predict that Bill DeBlasio's ape offspring would eventually chimp out. 
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
Post Thanks / Like - 2 Likes
Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Ray Cistman
I've probably been lurking on and off for 14 years, recently became addicted to the mudshark mortuary. You guys are the funniest mother fuckers I've ever read, I feel like I have to contribute some of my favorite stuff now to repay you for the endless laughs. I think I laughed at "George Groid" for 20 minutes straight last night.
Let's keep doing the lord's work here.
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Sorry so late. Been off for awhile. Welcome aboard. Have fun bashing. Let the niggers have it. Its the best part of the day. Have fun.
Senior Trustee
So one post in 3 months ? What happened ? Did you get eaten by niggers ?
Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !
Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Ray Cistman
I've probably been lurking on and off for 14 years, recently became addicted to the mudshark mortuary. You guys are the funniest mother fuckers I've ever read, I feel like I have to contribute some of my favorite stuff now to repay you for the endless laughs. I think I laughed at "George Groid" for 20 minutes straight last night.
Let's keep doing the lord's work here.
Welcome!! I've been on this site for 15 years and it has HELPED me keep my SANITY!!