I thought we could use a thread for quickies of niggers we see on TV, from full-length shows trying to show "They're just like us" to commercials to game shows.

A little bit ago, I turned on the TV, and it happened to be Fambly Feud. "What did grandpa do when grandma said she was pregnant?" The niggerpotamus got the higher guess, and I just had to keep watching for the inevitable nigger fails. What did one of the bucks say? "Beat him up!" As in, beat up the other buck, the one that really got the grandsow pregnant. Another niggersow said, "Run away!" Sheeit, muhfuggas, sheeit, das rite, das rite, dat boo gonna ditch that bitch!

I changed the channel, and there were a couple of niggerbucks on a Judge Judy rerun. They were the defendants, being sued by a white couple who were stupid enough to rent the house to niggers. How many others were staying in the house who weren't on the lease? The bucks claimed nobody. Anyone ever stay overnight? The bucks again claimed nobody did. We know that's a lie, because any nigger ever renting (especially AirBNBs) turns the place into a giant bongo party and crackhouse. How did the house get riddled with BBs? The bucks dinnow nuffins, dinsee nuffins, dindu nuffins. The house was left in shambles, with the garage filled with garbage, and JJ said that pigs live like that, not people. Well, duh, niggers aren't people. One of the bucks said they couldn't throw away the garbage because the bin wouldn't be collected if it was too full. They lost.