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  1. #1
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    Shaqueta, breeder sow, wants her (YOUR) money!

    Shaqueta Walker, 37, sucks up $1,580 in cash aid every month which automatically gets deposited into her Electronic Benefit Transfer card.

    The sow, a full-time student at Pasadena City College in California, uses her cash aid to help pay for groceries and school supplies for her and her four niglets.

    However, her cash aid has been stolen from her five times through 2021 and 2022.
    When you are 37 years old, love to spread and shit out niglets, you need to get a JOB and hit up some of the baby daddies to pay for the crotch droppings! JFC, human families with two working parents can't afford FOUR kids.

    “I don’t feel protected (should have thought of protection before you squatted and shit out all those sprogs, Shaqueta)and I don’t feel as if I’m really on this program because when benefits are taken from me, there’s no backup support.

    When you’re a single mom of four children, you depend on every nickel," Walker told The Times.
    It's not YOUR money, Shaqueta. You've never earned a dime in your useless, rutting life. The money belongs to those who DO work and support your worthless self and your pack of parasitic larvae.

    The mother of four is still waiting to receive a reimbursement of over $3,000 from the county.

    She received a reimbursement in December 2022 of $1,580 but then someone proceeded to steal it again.
    But it seems maybe someone in the "GibsMuhDat" department woke up to this scamming sheboon. We can only hope.

    In January 2023, Walker received a letter from the state of California warning her that she might be investigated for possible "EBT Card Trafficking."

    Depending on the outcome of the investigation, Walker could potentially be fined, incarcerated, or have her benefits canceled.
    Well, why not? These sows use their food skamps as currency, after all.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  3. #2
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    If your white and eligible for this, if you get one over disbursement from the agency and you don't immediately pay it back, they come after you like you murdered a nigger. Niggers on the other hand get away with scam after scam.

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  5. #3
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niggers are Useless View Post
    If your white and eligible for this, if you get one over disbursement from the agency and you don't immediately pay it back, they come after you like you murdered a nigger. Niggers on the other hand get away with scam after scam.
    Anyone eligible for this is an honorary nigger in my book unless they are truly disabled. Which, you can get a job sitting on your ass answering phones nowadays so I’m not sure how disabled you would need to be to be unable to do that.
    We wuz Vikangz, Native Amuricahns, Buhgypshuns, Eskimos, Mermaids, Australians, Beethoven, Shakespeare and Flyin Purramiyid Pilots.

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  7. #4
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    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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