Surgeon says 'toxic' DEI in medicine has led to 'erosion' of quality care: 'Dangerous to our patients'

A surgeon blasted a top medical organization for doubling down on its antiracist initiatives at a time when many corporations and organizations are distancing themselves from these controversial principles.
Bosshardt explained how the ACS has rapidly embraced DEI and antiracist teachings since 2020. He argued that the organization was sacrificing quality medical training and patient care by focusing on concepts like "microaggressions," "implicit bias" and "White privilege" that he says "have no place in medicine."

The surgeon said the toolkit uses flawed studies to promote the "unbelievably toxic" idea that racism infiltrates surgery and leads to poorer outcomes for Black patients. The toolkit also pushes implicit racial bias training to combat racism, despite research debunking its validity, he said.

Bosshardt claimed the worst part of the toolkit was that it requires surgeons to lump patients into racial identity groups, which he believes threatens the traditions modern medicine is based on.

"The traditional tenets of Hippocratic medicine, which focus on the individual in front of the physician, have been, for all intents and purposes, abandoned. Any disparity in outcomes of care of minorities is proof of racial discrimination," he wrote.

This focus on anti-racism and DEI will have a detrimental effect on medicine, Bosshardt argued, by threatening precious time for training surgeons and thus endangering patients.