Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
"Thousands" of Niggers Run Wild in Torrence
I'm not sure of the exact number of wild niggers involved, the headline is click bait-y, but the video shows the youthful niggers running wild at a mall in Torrence, California.
Several people are interviewed and all are fed up with this horseshit. The comments on the video are heartwarming.
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Del Amo Shopping Center used to be the biggest in the US, in the 80s. It's main problem is it's in the South Bay, close to Inglewood, Compton, Watts, Lawndale, nigger nests. So it's fucked with all sorts of proto-simians. This latest mob is the result of no discipline, no consequences. And frankly law enforcement would be overwhelmed with the planet of the apes type of scenario.
Probably the best way is to tell niggers beforehand is that they can't enter, since it's a private area. But ACLU will cry raycissms next. Better that than property destruction or God forbid a death of an innocent human. What race does this shit? Our choir boys and girls of the African bloodline. Filthy simians.
Coalburning is bestiality.
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Senior Trustee
From the mountains to the sea, export the niggery !!!
That should be the chant for the local human Cali-folk.
Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !
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Senior Corrections Officer
That mob looked like it wanted to play Niggers and Abrams. Tiananmen square in Torrence. These wild hordes of niggers are out of control. Humans will eventually get fed up with this simian behavior. Planet of the Apes has arrived, remember...you voted for it California. Enjoy your pets.
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
I'm not sure of the exact number of wild niggers involved, the headline is click bait-y, but the video shows the youthful niggers running wild at a mall in Torrence, California.
Several people are interviewed and all are fed up with this horseshit. The comments on the video are heartwarming.
IT'S "commiefornia!! What the f@ck did you expect?!
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Del Amo Shopping Center used to be the biggest in the US, in the 80s. It's main problem is it's in the South Bay, close to Inglewood, Compton, Watts, Lawndale, nigger nests. So it's fucked with all sorts of proto-simians. This latest mob is the result of no discipline, no consequences. And frankly law enforcement would be overwhelmed with the planet of the apes type of scenario.
Probably the best way is to tell niggers beforehand is that they can't enter, since it's a private area. But ACLU will cry raycissms next. Better that than property destruction or God forbid a death of an innocent human. What race does this shit? Our choir boys and girls of the African bloodline. Filthy simians.
Yup. Niggers are the only creatures on earth that would do these things. Enough is enough.
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Super Moderator
Senior Crime Reporter
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
It's main problem is it's in the South Bay, close to Inglewood, Compton, Watts, Lawndale, nigger nests. So it's fucked with all sorts of proto-simians.
They have a Lawndale in Illinois that's chock full of niggers, too.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
This is the original video I saw of this bongo party. They reported several hundred, but that’s still lousy to only arrest 5 of the ground apes. This is a couple days old so I doubt they’re still locked up.
You can’t have law and order and niggers too.
Wherever you find failure, you will find niggers. From the slums, to the unemployment line, to prison, to homeless shelters. And where ever you find niggers, you will find failure. IE Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, Cleveland, Haiti, and Africa. These are facts.
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Senior Trustee
Filed Under: Niggers ruin everything.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Del Amo Shopping Center used to be the biggest in the US, in the 80s. It's main problem is it's in the South Bay, close to Inglewood, Compton, Watts, Lawndale, nigger nests. So it's fucked with all sorts of proto-simians. This latest mob is the result of no discipline, no consequences. And frankly law enforcement would be overwhelmed with the planet of the apes type of scenario.
Probably the best way is to tell niggers beforehand is that they can't enter, since it's a private area. But ACLU will cry raycissms next. Better that than property destruction or God forbid a death of an innocent human. What race does this shit? Our choir boys and girls of the African bloodline. Filthy simians.
They should have at least 6 soldires with machine guns in the store at all time on view in case any "teenagers" show up.
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel
"1,000 teenagers". Were there any "young fathers" or "young mothers" among them? Sorry, MSM, when you use those codewords, we know they're all niggers even without seeing the flashing "Jeezys" or any nappy, empty craniums.
Don't worry. These "youths" will all be turned loose within hours to take up where they left off.
"Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."
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Senior Corrections Officer
I'm familiar with that particular mall. It's not normally fuxated with niggers. This smells of a social media organized flash mob kind of chimpout where a thousand-nigger mob invades peaceful human territory.
Several years ago the owners of the mall spent a massive amount of money on a huge revitalization project for the place. If niggers are allowed to frequent the mall and turn it into their "turf" like they've done with so many other malls, all that money will have been flushed down the toilet. The question is, will big money/politically connected business owners have enough pull to fight back against the black plague of wokeness and the woketurd demand for a "safe space" for uppity niggers?