Only a nigger... !

The niggers, high school sweethearts, lost their nigger nest when the neighbor set fire to some garbage.

According to the report, the insurance on apartment building on the nigger's property is good, but the stupid niggers let the insurance lapse on the shack, er excuse me, COACH HOUSE they be staying in. Essentially a converted horse barn.

It's not clear, but evidently the niggers own the nigger apartment building. The only reason they have insurance on that roach den is because they are required to, by the bank.

The nigger that set the fire won't be held liable, and with no insurance, the stupid niggers are trying to gain sympathy over their "tragedy." I'm sure a go-fund-a-nigger account is on it's way.

Very disappointed by the comments blaming the insurance company. If you don't make your insurance payments, you don't have insurance.

Anyhow another case of nigger fail!