We couldn't make stuff up about niggers that approaches their subhuman behavior. I needed to pick up a few things after church. After rounding the corner of a big Halloween candy display, I encoontered a garden variety beanpole nigger, and I still couldn't tell you if it was a buck or a sow. Probably a tranny buck, but does that really matter?

It ooked something like, "You don wanna come here" or "You don wanna be near." Yeah, well, either were true. There was a small amount of liquid on the floor in front of it, and I realized what it was when the nigger took an empty cardboard box from the display, put that on the floor, then hunched over and started spitting into that. You have no idea how quickly I turned on my heels to escape all the possibilities of HIV, Ebola, niggerpox, and anything else communicable.

I was dressed in my Sunday best, having come from services and Bible study. And we're supposed to think that that vile nigger belongs to my same species?