I'm with my current girlfriend since 2016. It's mostly a friendship and companionship. No kids between both of us, but our main interests are animals, dogs and cats specifically. She grew up in a fancy San Diego location, used to do horse events and that kind of sheeeit. I've never owned a horse. But she doesn't act like a princess, but you can tell she's highly educated. Works at a public university.

I always call Nigeria "Niggeria" but I don't get a response. But this post is when I get responses:

1. I complain that Snoop Nigger looks like a criminal. I can't believe Martha Stewart hangs out with it, not that I really care about MS. I'm just tired of seeing it in commercials. GF says that why do I care, he's just into his music which is crap

2. A few years ago I was complaining I can't stand brillo, and how wild wool looks uncivilized. She says why don't I just let them enjoy their life, it's their hair anyway, why do I have to be so negative. I said it's ugly and dirty looking. No response.

3. About two weeks ago, I was commenting on how niggers act like dancing, sa-shaying, doing some monkey moves that you never see other humans do. They think they can act like animals and be thought of as cool or smooth. I mentioned 2 niggers in commercials. Here she says again, "I don't know what you mean" I said, the "boogying and dancing and opening their mouths". No, I don't see anything wrong with it, she says. I said you know what I mean. Look. Humans don't do that. Oh you're just being racist.

Well you know I'm racist. No response after that.

I enjoy her company but I wish she can be more astute to nigger foolishness. I'm not looking for a fight, but I wish I can drive her to admit niggers are animals. For the record, she admits blacks have low academic scores, are vulgar, are violent, yet get away with it. She also opposes border niggers.

There's no muh-dikk anyway, I'm not attracted to her in that way anyway. We just enjoy animals, movies, British drama and comedy, and dog events.

I know it's hard to find a good woman who hasn't burned coal or isn't a liberal who worships niggers. This one has only been with one person, her ex-husband. I'm not planning on leaving her, I'm just unsuccessful in convincing her all niggers are no good.

That's my rant. I suppose there may be other wimminz out there as opposed to the apes as I am, it's just the odds are so low.