Nathaniel Huey Jr., 32, of Streamwood, Illinois, was identified Wednesday as the sole suspect in the deaths of Alberto Rolon, 38, Zoraida Bartolomei, 32, and their two sons, ages 7 and 9. Romeoville Police Deputy Chief Chris Burne told reporters at a news conference Wednesday that as police searched for Huey, he was detected in Catoosa, Oklahoma — more than 600 miles from the Chicago suburb.
A digital license plate scanner spotted Huey’s vehicle, and authorities pursued him. When he attempted to evade them on I-44, he struck another car and crashed his own vehicle into a center barrier, causing it to burst into flames, KJRH reported.

Burne said a pair of sounds believed to be gunshots were heard from the vehicle.

When reached, Huey was found with a gunshot wound in the driver's seat and pronounced dead at the scene.

A female, who also had a gunshot wound, was located and removed from the passenger side of the vehicle in critical condition, according to Burne. She was transported to the hospital, where she died.

The Daily Mail identified the woman as Huey's domestic partner, 50-year-old Ermalinda Palomo.

Burne told reporters at a news conference that there had been a relationship between the Romeoville victims and Huey, but did not specify any further. Streamwood, where Huey was from, is located about 35 miles from Romeoville.

I want to give the benefit of the doubt to the killed family. "Relationship" could mean they unwillingly encountered the nigger somewhere, and the nigger wouldn't leave them alone after that. If you're nice to a stray dog or cat, it's likely to follow you home. With niggers, you don't have to be nice to them for them to follow you around, waiting to rob and muh dikk and kill you.

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