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  1. #1
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    Eritrean niggers culturally enrich Canada with vibrant mass 150+ bongo party chimp out

    Violent conflict with 150 people erupts in Calgary Saturday afternoon

    Up to 150 people participated in a violent fight late Saturday afternoon in the northeast community of Falconridge.

    “The Calgary Police Service considers this to be a serious event and has dedicated resources to keep the peace,” police said in a Saturday night media release. “This is not a protest. This is a violent conflict between two groups with opposing views.”
    Why do you need all this trouble for? Deport the coon, and improvement comes soon.

    Police were called to the scene around 5 p.m. Saturday and told two groups of people were engaged in violent activity. When they arrived, they separated the groups and worked to de-escalate the situation, noting “many of those involved were brandishing weapons.” A video of the scene posted online showed men with bats and sticks.
    The confrontation may be related to similar Eritrean conflicts that have been occurring in cities around the world, including a recent riot in Edmonton in mid-August.
    Import/distribute a plague and you have worldwide plague.

    The Edmonton Journal/Edmonton Sun reported that incident was a chaotic scene with few if any parallels in Edmonton’s history: hundreds of men clashing on a field — some in blue, others in orange — carrying sticks and poles flying brightly coloured flags. The conflict pitted members of the city’s Eritrean community against one another and led officers to take the rare step of proclaiming the Riot Act.

    Police responded, during which stones, bricks and other objects were hurled at officers in riot gear.

    The chaos began at a field in west Edmonton, where organizers had planned events for the annual Eritrean Festival.
    Eritrean festival? Why not just call it a feral, violent nigger bongo party?

    Similar protests involving rival Eritrean groups have been also popping up in other countries.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    I hope some niggers were made good at this bongo party.

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  5. #3
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    I heard about this. Bringing savages to civilized countries does not civilize them. They bring their savagery with them.

    Everyone has had it!

    According to Immigration Minister Miller and fool Housing Minister Fraser these are the needed skilled labourers to future our home building needs with another 1 million stick wielding on their way. Presumably there are doctors and engineers among them. Noted Calgary cops looking askance and disengaged. Covid arrests were never like this. Damn.
    Here we go..........

    Multicultural enough for ya ?

    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  7. #4
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    My new favorite words for all Libtards outraged over the nigger infestations in any of their countries. " YOU VOTED FOR IT, ENJOY"
    This always happens when nigger gather in packs, so get used to it Canada. Maybe they will start to realize that leaving these animals to starve in their own country is actually good.
    Unless your the Vulture that is.

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