Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Nigger getting what he should be
So a police officer was arrested and is serving a year for stomping on a niggers face. It was only one stomp but A for effort. He shouldn't have stopped at one. He should have stomped his ass repeatedly for running his mouf. If more niggers got stomped in this manner they might not be so uppity. This cop should be getting a medal. Good vid. If for some reason it doesn't come up just Google jermaine Vaughn.
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Originally Posted by
So a police officer was arrested and is serving a year for stomping on a niggers face. It was only one stomp but A for effort. He shouldn't have stopped at one. He should have stomped his ass repeatedly for running his mouf. If more niggers got stomped in this manner they might not be so uppity. This cop should be getting a medal. Good vid. If for some reason it doesn't come up just Google jermaine Vaughn.
I don't want to live in a world, where a cop can't kick a nigger in the head....

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Senior Corrections Officer
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Hey only cops ?
But seriously, move over Doc Martens
it's time for Doc Cizzums Nigger Kickers

My FAVORITE scene from "American HistoryX!!" Nigger got a curb sammich, hold the mayo!!
Senior Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
My FAVORITE scene from "American HistoryX!!" Nigger got a curb sammich, hold the mayo!!
good thing no one even mentioned coondiments, it coulda gotten ugly for the hero ...
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Senior Corrections Officer
Oh that was great. Thanks for that video. I love the look of absolute surprise on the niggers mug after the stomp. That got it's attention. Cops need to bring back the Billy (Nigger) club and employ that as the opening conversations with any NAPA encounter.
I hope the cop can get the smell of nigger off his shoes.
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The days of nigger wrangling are over. I would hope no human is treated this way, but a sub-simian, by all means. Still, this cop has a big headache. His wife may divorce him when he can't find a decent job after this. With cameras these days, niggers won't get what they deserve. I don't know what a level 6 felony is, but it doesn't sound good. These days niggers are considered just like us, which is bullshit!
Coalburning is bestiality.
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Originally Posted by
Hey only cops ?
But seriously, move over Doc Martens
it's time for Doc Cizzums Nigger Kickers
I came back to my home town, when my hitch in the Army was up, and found out some friends of mine were being victimized by a well known
local asshole. I caught up with him, and did a little song and dance routine from Clockwork Orange, which witnesses found very entertaining.
40+ years later, people still remember that fancy footwork....

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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
good thing no one even mentioned coondiments, it coulda gotten ugly for the hero ...

Tru Dat!!
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