I am a regular reader of National File, and when I looked there this morning I just couldn't help but take in what has happened since Bastard Biden took over the USA.

Just look at the headlines:

Two stories particularly caught my eye. Let's just hope that nigger-bitch Fani Willis can be dragged down into the shit, where she belongs.
But above all, look at how those January 6th prisoners are being treated. How the hell has the USA come to this? And why is there not total outrage over their treatment?
Murderers are treated better than this - much better!

It just shows what happens to any society when niggers are given free reign. For god's sake, America, turn back from the path you have embarked upon before it's too late.
You must kick these niggers all the way back to the African jungle, where the filthy low-IQ cretins belong!