University of California, San Francisco sociology professor Stacy Torres, however, wrote an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times downplaying the phenomenon, headlined, "Grocery stores used to be my happy place. Then they started locking up the detergent."
Torres went on to argue that a grocery run "shouldn’t feel like visiting a prison, but that’s the vibe shoppers get from extreme anti-theft measures at a Safeway in Oakland’s Rockridge neighborhood" and "customers pay a psychological cost."

She said grocery stores should not "strip our dignity" by increasing security, and claimed that rather than providing a feeling of safety, stores "risk molding us into more anxious, suspicious people" as shoppers face "disproportionate dehumanization."
"[W]ithout addressing socioeconomic conditions such as inflation, poverty and opportunity deficits, the help [beefed-up security measures] do provide serves merely as a Band-Aid," she argued. "Short- and long-term investments in our social safety net, including restoring SNAP benefits slashed for millions in March, and ensuring access to high-quality education, job training and a living wage, will alleviate economic desperation."

So there's the new euphemism. It's an "opportunity deficit" when niggers aren't given the gibs they could never earn in the first place, forcing them to steal, forcing stores to lock things up before you can purchase them, forcing niggers to break glass and attack workers, and forcing academics to justify the violence.

We've given niggers trillions of dollars in welfare and food stamps. What have we gotten for it? More niglets that kept on producing more niglets to get more welfare and food stamps. Niglets that get into top schools with inferior grades, when white and Asian students with higher SAT scores and top extracurricular activites got rejected.

Oh, and that thing about "reduced SNAP"? That's another lie. Those were extra SNAP dollars given during the pandemic, and finally ended 3 years later.