Page 44 of David Horowitz's The Blackbook of the American Left (great book, do recommend highly)
I will never forget standing next to Elaine, (Elaine Mills- Black Panther Party—Minister of Information and Chairman) as I did months later in growing horror, as she threatened KQED-TV host Bill Schechner over the telephone. "I will killl you motherfucker," she promised him in her machete voice, if he went through with plans to interview the former Panther Chairman, Bobby Seale. Seale had gone into hiding after Huey (Huey Newton- Panther headnigger) expelled him from the party in August. As I learned long afterwards, Seale had been whipped- literally- and then personally sodomized by Huey with such violence that he had to have his anus surgically repaired by a Pacific Heights doctor who was a political supporter of the panthers. A Party member told me later, "You have to understand, it had nothing to do with sex. It was about power." But in the panther world, as I also came to learn, nothing was about anything except power."
The summer of 1974 was disastrous for Huey. Reports had appeared in the press placing him at the scene of a drive-by shooting at an "after hours" club. He was indicted for pistol whipping a middle aged black tailor named Preston Callins with a .357 magnum, for brawling with two police officers at an Oakland bar, and for murdering a 17 year old prostitute named Kathleen Smith. When the day arrived for his arraignment in this last matter, Huey failed to show. Assisted by the panther's Hollywood patrons, he had fled to Cuba.At the time, Huey was engaged in a life and death feud with black panther Eldridge Cleaver. Cleaver had fled to Algiers after a shoot out with the Bay Area Police. (Eldridge has s ince admitted that he ambushed them.)Huey's attraction to the left had always been his persona as "minister of Defense" of the black panther party, his challenge to revolutionary wannabees to live up to their rhetoric and "pick up the gun." huey had done just that in his own celebrated confrontation with the law that had left Officer John Frey dead with a bullt wound in his back. Everybody in the left seemed to believe that Huey had killed Frey, but we wanted to believe as well that Huey- as a victim of racism- was also innocent.