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At the core of Liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of spoiled brats. - PJ O'Rourke
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There's nonstop faggotry this month. School districts have faggot day, then queer day, then lesbo day, really. Cities have banners, "love is love". Well I love my animals but I don't do anything unnatural to them, in contrast with the miscegenators who think pet baboons are worthy parental partners.
Libraries have rainbow crap, civil buildings, makes me want to puke. Is this the nation that destroyed the Nazis, nuked the Japs of Imperial Japan, sent men to the moon?
As it were, it's the liberals who are intolerant of us having a different view from them. Parents who don't approve of their children exposed to trans, cis, or whatever terminology for faggotry that I don't even want to know, are called bigots, hatemongers, and threats to democracy. There was something about the Southern Poverty nigger organization that "parents push hate when they don't accept LGBTQ events". Hate - to not agree with beastiality, unnatural acts, crimes against nature, same sex marriages and confusion of the adopted children?
I actually disapprove of the same sex unions because it's unwilling and innocent children that are exposed to a weird worldview. Personally, I don't care about anyone's orientation, but I don't want to be told that my normal biological orientation is hateful. That's where the problem arises. I'm waiting for the correction. ASAP.
Coalburning is bestiality.
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
There's nonstop faggotry this month. School districts have faggot day, then queer day, then lesbo day, really. Cities have banners, "love is love". Well I love my animals but I don't do anything unnatural to them, in contrast with the miscegenators who think pet baboons are worthy parental partners.
Libraries have rainbow crap, civil buildings, makes me want to puke. Is this the nation that destroyed the Nazis, nuked the Japs of Imperial Japan, sent men to the moon?
As it were, it's the liberals who are intolerant of us having a different view from them. Parents who don't approve of their children exposed to trans, cis, or whatever terminology for faggotry that I don't even want to know, are called bigots, hatemongers, and threats to democracy. There was something about the Southern Poverty nigger organization that "parents push hate when they don't accept LGBTQ events". Hate - to not agree with beastiality, unnatural acts, crimes against nature, same sex marriages and confusion of the adopted children?
I actually disapprove of the same sex unions because it's unwilling and innocent children that are exposed to a weird worldview. Personally, I don't care about anyone's orientation, but I don't want to be told that my normal biological orientation is hateful. That's where the problem arises. I'm waiting for the correction. ASAP.
Unfortunately, those HYPOCRITICAL leftists will NEVER MAKE a correction!!