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  1. #1
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    "F*** the American people, they are racist" - illegal alien loves Americans as much as the US Gov does

    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
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    Well I think we've found a rapist.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

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  5. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    This is exactly the attitude I'm talking about regarding border niggers. They feel they have the right to be here, insult us, then expect us to continue to welcoming them. This bastard brags it has relatives in LA and El Paso, so we just have to accept it's illegal presence. It says he was entering legally, because it came through a gate and there's a record of it's arrival.

    I have a response, mojado (wetback): chingga Hispanos.

    This is why I have a great problem with immigration South of the border. Yes, before the formation of the US, people can just move from place to place. But when a country is formed, it's sovereign borders must be respected. And these border niggers abuse and game the system by saying asylum. I think the stats are only 10% are legitimate asylum claims. The 90% pieces of shit get lost in the interior; then commit more crime. Additionally, even legal immigrants from Central America, majority Messico, aid and abet their illegal relatives. And wtf is the DHS goal of family reunification? You commit a crime, then you even have a right to join your family?

    Border niggers, niggers, and miscegenators are the existential threat to the US. Diversity is good only insofar as there's assimilation, and a unique distinct national character, enriched by other elements, but not the other elements supplanting the original culture. Much as I am very open to trying and enjoying other cuisines, I wouldn't like it if one day there's just tacos. And tacos. And tacos. Then burritos, and no burgers. Fuck that.

    First we have to get old Joe out. Trump is all over the place and I'm not sure he'll win because some still think he's too disruptive. I'm not sure De Santis is also capable to beating Joe, but lately he's making it hard for illegal aliens in Florida. A strong border has tanks, military vehicles, armed soldiers, and lots of barbed wire. Even starving North Korea knows how to protect its border.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    This is exactly the attitude I'm talking about regarding border niggers. They feel they have the right to be here, insult us, then expect us to continue to welcoming them. This bastard brags it has relatives in LA and El Paso, so we just have to accept it's illegal presence. It says he was entering legally, because it came through a gate and there's a record of it's arrival.

    I have a response, mojado (wetback): chingga Hispanos.

    This is why I have a great problem with immigration South of the border. Yes, before the formation of the US, people can just move from place to place. But when a country is formed, it's sovereign borders must be respected. And these border niggers abuse and game the system by saying asylum. I think the stats are only 10% are legitimate asylum claims. The 90% pieces of shit get lost in the interior; then commit more crime. Additionally, even legal immigrants from Central America, majority Messico, aid and abet their illegal relatives. And wtf is the DHS goal of family reunification? You commit a crime, then you even have a right to join your family?

    Border niggers, niggers, and miscegenators are the existential threat to the US. Diversity is good only insofar as there's assimilation, and a unique distinct national character, enriched by other elements, but not the other elements supplanting the original culture. Much as I am very open to trying and enjoying other cuisines, I wouldn't like it if one day there's just tacos. And tacos. And tacos. Then burritos, and no burgers. Fuck that.

    First we have to get old Joe out. Trump is all over the place and I'm not sure he'll win because some still think he's too disruptive. I'm not sure De Santis is also capable to beating Joe, but lately he's making it hard for illegal aliens in Florida. A strong border has tanks, military vehicles, armed soldiers, and lots of barbed wire. Even starving North Korea knows how to protect its border.
    I couldn't agree more Ignatow. I'm in the central valley now but grew up in SoCal.

    Even in the Central Valley these days it's like Northern Tijuana. These fuckers have no interest in assimilation. Though I enjoy a stop at the taco truck once in a while, I could do without the Mariachi music playing at every damn store or other business I might frequent. Assimilate and become Americans FFS.

    They won't quit until all the stop signs say 'Alto'. Personally I'm way past having an impacted ass-full of the bullshit. Especially the bastards speaking Spanish when having a conversation in public. Well...surprise motherfuckers I speak Spanish too and understand every word you're saying, pinche pendejos (thanks to the Los Angeles USD.)
    Last edited by SC Anemia; 05-27-2023 at 02:13 PM.

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    This is exactly the attitude I'm talking about regarding border niggers. They feel they have the right to be here, insult us, then expect us to continue to welcoming them. This bastard brags it has relatives in LA and El Paso, so we just have to accept it's illegal presence. It says he was entering legally, because it came through a gate and there's a record of it's arrival.
    Not to forget that they expect us to pay (work, pay taxes) for them, and at the same time, to "change our attitude" and "respect their culture". Which simply means that they won't adapt/integrate but bring crime, noise etc. with them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    I have a response, mojado (wetback): chingga Hispanos.

    This is why I have a great problem with immigration South of the border. Yes, before the formation of the US, people can just move from place to place. But when a country is formed, it's sovereign borders must be respected. And these border niggers abuse and game the system by saying asylum. I think the stats are only 10% are legitimate asylum claims. The 90% pieces of shit get lost in the interior; then commit more crime. Additionally, even legal immigrants from Central America, majority Messico, aid and abet their illegal relatives. And wtf is the DHS goal of family reunification? You commit a crime, then you even have a right to join your family?
    Borders are basically the definition of "country". Without borders (or, when a country decides to not defend them anymore), there is no such thing as a country anymore - at least in theory. Because you all know what would happen to you if you'd decide to not pay taxes anymore. There are people that are more equal than others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    Border niggers, niggers, and miscegenators are the existential threat to the US. Diversity is good only insofar as there's assimilation, and a unique distinct national character, enriched by other elements, but not the other elements supplanting the original culture. Much as I am very open to trying and enjoying other cuisines, I wouldn't like it if one day there's just tacos. And tacos. And tacos. Then burritos, and no burgers. Fuck that.

    First we have to get old Joe out. Trump is all over the place and I'm not sure he'll win because some still think he's too disruptive. I'm not sure De Santis is also capable to beating Joe, but lately he's making it hard for illegal aliens in Florida. A strong border has tanks, military vehicles, armed soldiers, and lots of barbed wire. Even starving North Korea knows how to protect its border.
    My preferred outcome would be: Trump with DeSantis as Vice, then 2x DeSantis (perhaps with Tucker as Vice).

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