Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
There are men AND women who bed niggers for a variety of reasons. Degradation/cuck fantasies, a pipeline to feed their drug habits, self-esteem issues, getting back at mom and dad for some perceived slight, misplaced guilt for the 'da slabery', and because they don't learn from those who came (and died) before them. Whatever. We're not here to try and diagnose their particular psychosis. It's enough to know some humans soil themselves with feral niggers. The 'WHY' is somewhat immaterial, except in cases of child abuse. We're not going to save them. We're simply witnesses to the inevitable outcome.
You are absolutely right! The only problem: It's not about to save them, they made their bed. As you already said, the outcome is inevitable. The real problem is that many of them produce offspring, hence tainting human societies. And, of course, they are a bad example for weak humans who refuse to think on their own and therefore assume it's alright to mate with the beast.