Human rights are for law abiding humans. Border niggers don't have the right to walk in illegally, steal from our health care and education systems. Niggers have no right to have housing, nor free food. They should work for it, but even as slaves they were useless. I can say niggers have the right to exist, but only in Africa or Haiti. Border niggers have the right to exist south of the US border. As to what shithole, I care not. BTW even the Mexicans don't like those hanging out in the country from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, etc. And these shits want to enter the US or Canada? They are disgusting vulgar dirty midgets. All of a sudden they can share my spaces at Costco or the AAA, always dressed in filth?

I don't have Hispanics per se. Not at all. I am just incensed that the legal Hispanic community largely support illegal immigration. Those who understand there's a right way, sensible, I agree with. It's like self-policing, meaning each individual assumes the responsibility of being on the lawful and right side.