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  1. #1
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    CA nigger Senator wants to adopt "Ebony Alerts" to help find missing niggers

    Help them find missing niggers.
    California senator proposes 'Ebony Alerts' to help find missing Black Californians

    The Black and Missing Foundation says Black people make up nearly 40% of reported missing persons in the U.S. But they only account for 13% of the popultion [sic]

    They're also a disproportionate amount of crime, too.

    According to the Black and Missing Foundation, Black people make up nearly 40% of reported missing persons in the U.S. But they only account for 13% of the population.

    Senator Steven Bradford (D-Los Angeles) introduced California Senate Bill 673 to create an "Ebony Alert" to help find missing Black people in the state.

    “The Ebony Alert would ensure that resources and attention are given so we can bring home missing Black women and Black children in the same way we would search for any missing child and missing person,” said Bradford.
    Have you not heard of the Amber Alert system, you dumb nigger?

    SB 673 would authorize a law enforcement agency to request that an Ebony Alert be activated if that agency determines it would be an effective tool in the investigation of a missing Black youth or young women between the ages of 12 and 25.

    It would also encourage, but not require, television, cable, satellite and social media systems to cooperate with disseminating the information contained in an Ebony Alert.
    Now we will see tons of missing niggers on our TVs, cell phones and Twitter. YAY!

    "Many African American girls go missing and they're listed as runaways, versus being abducted," said Bradford. "When someone who is missing is incorrectly listed as a runaway, they basically vanish a second time. They vanish from the police detectives' workload. They vanish from the headlines. In many ways, no one even knows they are missing."
    If they went missing, maybe another nigger took them out into the woods, shot them in the head and then buried them in a shallow grave. Happens all the time.

    As a Black mother living in Sacramento, Nikkia Hamilton supports the idea of an Ebony Alert, along with any other resources, to help support Black families and their communities.

    "We don't see a lot of coverage or assistance when a Black child, women or man is missing," said Hamilton.
    We hear about nothing but niggers, all day and all night, regardless of whether they are missing or not. You'd think that niggers were 90% of the population.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Why in the hell would you want to find a missing nigger? I’d crack open a bear and enjoy the good news of a missing nigger!

  3. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Missing niggers, yeah, they just got thrown away by their useless "parents". Lately there's a lot of missing nigger children in CA. And I'm just delighted that they're never found.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    If they went missing, maybe another nigger took them out into the woods, shot them in the head and then buried them in a shallow grave. Happens all the time.
    I really don't want to question your expertise in niggerology, but somehow that sounds hard to believe: Burying requires planning and physical work.

  5. #5
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    It’s amazing how they understand proportion when it comes to certain statistics but turn into stevie wonder when it comes to crime rates and proportion.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    I really don't want to question your expertise in niggerology, but somehow that sounds hard to believe: Burying requires planning and physical work.
    So true, S.I.T. - The shines I was in the infantry with could not dig in to save their lives, which is the most basic of all skills
    needed by soldiers in the field. Foxholes and field fortifications ? D'Arquavious ain't got time for that ! A few live mortar rounds
    would have wiped out all our niggers. Too bad we never deployed.
    Decades ago, I was installing a lawn irrigation system at my house, and my plumber shows up with a couple of Brooklyn
    spiggers, to help dig the trenches. They looked physically fit, but within about 30 minutes, I could tell they had never done
    a day's work in their lives. In that time, the two of them had dug 20' of ditch, 6" deep, while I had done 30', a foot deep.
    They were done at that point, while I was just getting warmed up. I had the plumber retrieve his "diggers", and knocked
    out the rest of the job myself - almost 300' of ditch. The plumber's dad drove by, saw me working alone, and said he knew
    those spiggs would be useless.

  7. #7
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    An "Ebony Alert" ? That's like a job application with an ebonic name on it - "Sh'Quandaniqua" = File it in the trash bin.
    Niggers are always talking about "Resources", which they only consume, and never provide. Want to know where Ms.
    Brillo Puff went ? Start a "Hustle & Flow" big pimpin' registry. Niggers love prostitution - it's part of their "Street life"
    culture, romanticized in song and story. Of course there are lots of "runaways" from nigger nests. Mammy spent the
    welfare check on weave and krazy nails, and her jailbird boyfriends are sex offenders.
    Here's an idea - put out an Ebony Alert for the deadbeat fathers of these nigger parasites.

  8. #8
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    Great. That way I'll know who to not look for.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    So true, S.I.T. - The shines I was in the infantry with could not dig in to save their lives, which is the most basic of all skills
    needed by soldiers in the field. Foxholes and field fortifications ? D'Arquavious ain't got time for that ! A few live mortar rounds
    would have wiped out all our niggers. Too bad we never deployed.
    Decades ago, I was installing a lawn irrigation system at my house, and my plumber shows up with a couple of Brooklyn
    spiggers, to help dig the trenches. They looked physically fit, but within about 30 minutes, I could tell they had never done
    a day's work in their lives. In that time, the two of them had dug 20' of ditch, 6" deep, while I had done 30', a foot deep.
    They were done at that point, while I was just getting warmed up. I had the plumber retrieve his "diggers", and knocked
    out the rest of the job myself - almost 300' of ditch. The plumber's dad drove by, saw me working alone, and said he knew
    those spiggs would be useless.
    Thanks a lot for sharing that story! Niggers are useless, good to hear the plumber (plumber's dad) knew - probably another case of apefirmative action!
    One of the worst nightmares I can think of: Being dependent on nigger comrades in war!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Thanks a lot for sharing that story! Niggers are useless, good to hear the plumber (plumber's dad) knew - probably another case of apefirmative action!
    One of the worst nightmares I can think of: Being dependent on nigger comrades in war!
    We had some low class Chicago niggers in Army boot camp, always muttering some shit about how they were going to
    fuck someone up. Back in the '70s, drill sergeants were allowed to boot you right in the ass, which one nigger took exception
    to. We were on the rifle range that day, and the NCOs pull the nigger out of formation, and search him - finding several
    rounds of 5.56 ammo. This nigger had been making threats, and as we always had our rifles with us, they took that shit talk
    seriously. There was a tower on the range, always manned with an armed NCO, just in case. This nigger was taken to the stockade,
    and we all knew the MPs would beat the shit out of anyone who ended up in there. That particular splib never rejoined our company,
    and was probably given a dishonorable discharge.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    I really don't want to question your expertise in niggerology, but somehow that sounds hard to believe: Burying requires planning and physical work.
    Correct. Just like any other "job" they get given to them, they half ass it. As I aint bin dun did dat! says, they usually disturb the ground a little and make a pile of dirt with their paws.
    The body parts sticking out all over the place end up being a dead giveaway.

  12. #12
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    I am looking at this in a positive way, now when I am having a bad day I'll look forward to seeing an ebony alert so I can have a good laugh or maybe a small chuckle to brighten up my day. There is no way in hell anyone would even care to find a missing nigger, well anyone in the right mind that is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralPat View Post
    I am looking at this in a positive way, now when I am having a bad day I'll look forward to seeing an ebony alert so I can have a good laugh or maybe a small chuckle to brighten up my day. There is no way in hell anyone would even care to find a missing nigger, well anyone in the right mind that is.
    That would be the best outcome. But I'm afraid they'll only use that to bleat even louder racism because "despite ebony alert" nobody cares.

  15. #14
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    Niggers don't give a flying fuck about their chillun except for the gubiment checks they bring. Their famblies are a joke. I'm sure over half those missing kids took off because nothing was worse than living in their welfare whore mammy's nest,
    Last edited by Groid_Rage; 04-14-2023 at 10:48 AM.
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

  16. #15
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    I support this idea 100%. Amber Alerts can become for humans only, and when an Amber Alert is released we'll know it's serious business. And when a niglet wanders off because mammy was high on crack and daddy is nowhere to be found, an Ebony Alert can be released, niggers can feel important, and no one else will give a fuck. Much better than getting an Amber Alert only to find out that it's only a worthless nigger that's missing.

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DR Spook View Post
    Why in the hell would you want to find a missing nigger? I’d crack open a bear and enjoy the good news of a missing nigger!
    I wish all NIGGERS will go missing!
    Whenever i hear about a crime being committed, I'll always say to myself "It's Gotta' Be a NIGGER" (especially with violent crimes) and of course 99% of the time I am right.

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