From a cork-walled office at the U.S. State Department, diversity chief Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley reveals her plan to vanquish the oldest boys club.

Of course, the answer to everything is more niggers.

Abercrombie-Winstanley has many such conversations as the State Department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer (CDIO), a new role that the Biden administration created to fix the U.S. diplomatic corps’ long-running and dismal record on diversity.

She’s the first to admit it’s an uphill battle. “This work is heavy and hard,” she told Foreign Policy during an hourlong interview in her office recently, in which she vacillated between unbridled optimism, frustration, and cheerful resignation.
No, what would be "heavy and hard" would be if you would piss off back to apefrica and clean up that horrific niggermess instead of trying to fuck up America.

The stats are pretty bad—even by the already lackluster standards of the U.S. national security world, which is still trying to shed its status as the fiefdom for the United States’ “pale, male, and Yale” crowd.
I'll take “pale, male, and Yale” over "slack, black and whackjob" any day.

Now, after lots of failed starts at diversifying its ranks, Abercrombie-Winstanley is the Biden administration’s attempt to throw a big wrench into the State Department machine.
They're not even trying to hide the fact that they are using niggers to destroy America at this point.

On the other hand, she faces a 233-year-old institution with the types of calcified structures and culture that seems reluctant if not incapable of sweeping change. Plus, her remit is limited, with no purview over political appointees in the department, for example, and she faces a skeptical diplomatic corps.

In a battle between Abercrombie-Winstanley and the beast of bureaucracy, who will win?
Good grief.