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  1. #1
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    House COVID Origins Committee call Nicholas Wade (author of book that tells truth about dindus) as witness

    From HuffPo (bastion of liberal spin/bullshit)
    House GOP's COVID Hearing Features Advocate Of Racist Theories About Genetics

    House nigger Kweisi Mfume beez all mad an' sheeit about it; at the 5:55 mark Wade retorts to the torrent of nonsensical niggerbabble bix nood he was subjected to.

    AHouse hearing on COVID-19’s origins on Wednesday unraveled almost immediately as Democrats decried one of the GOP’s witnesses: Nicholas Wade, the author of a 2014 book that made outrageous, racist claims about Black people being more prone to violence.
    Wade, a British author and former New York Times science writer, wrote a book called “A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History” that waswidelydenounced by the scientific community for misrepresenting research into human population genetics.
    In another passage about Africans’ economic conditions, Wade wonders whether “variations in their nature, such as their time preference, work ethic and propensity to violence, have some bearing on the economic decisions they make.”
    LOL you really think so?

    Wednesday’s hearing had barely begun when Rep. Raul Ruiz (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, denounced Wade as a “dangerous” and “extreme” pick by Republicans to feature in a hearing supposedly focused on facts and science.

    “I was alarmed to see someone who wrote a book applauded by white supremacists,” said Ruiz, noting that former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke praised Wade’s book on his radio show in 2014.

    “[Wade] claims that certain populations have been slower to experience an evolutionary change he has described as ‘the transformation of a population’s social traits from the violent, short-term, impulsive behavior typical of many hunter-gatherer and tribal societies’ into ‘the more disciplined, future-oriented behavior observed in other populations,’” he said.

    FOX News weighs in:

    Democrat opens COVID origin hearing by accusing witness Nicholas Wade of racist views

    During Wednesday's hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Democratic ranking member on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic accused one of the expert witnesses of harboring racist views that would discredit the committee's work.

    In his opening remarks, Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Calif., objected to the presence of Nicholas Wade as a witness invited by the majority. Ruiz said that Wade, a science reporter who wrote a seminal article examining whether COVID-19 had leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, had written a book in 2014 that was "applauded by White supremacists."

    "Today's hearing marks a concerning step down the path of letting extremism get in the way of an inquiry that should be led by science and facts," Ruiz said. He announced that he had sent a letter to the Republican majority requesting that Wade be removed as a witness for his purported "discredited, unscientific and harmful views."

    Wade's controversial book, "A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History," argued that human races are a biological reality and that recent human evolution has led to racial differences in economic and social behavior. More than 130 population geneticists denounced the book at the time, including some of whom Wade had cited who said he had misrepresented their work.
    "The notion that people of different racial or ethnic groups are more successful or intellectually superior to another because of predisposed genetic makeup is grossly inconsistent with the consensus of scientific and medical scholarship," Ruiz said.

    "These views are dangerous and have no place in a hearing examining the origin of a pandemic that has disproportionately and overwhelmingly harmed communities of color in the United States," he continued, stating that by giving Wade a platform, Republicans were damaging the credibility of the hearing.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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    Wade, the scientist that he is, answered that nigger in such a classy way and deflected the bix nood rants of who, Kwasi Kwarteng? Oh, my mistake, that was a British nigger, I mixed you simians up, my bad. Why do you niggers keep naming yourselves nonhuman names?

    I was reading today, with great pleasure, postulates on why Homo sapiens became dominant, and in so doing, starved out and thinned the Neanderthals into extinction. Supposedly, we fashioned better tools, because we had better language; we like to work together in large groups for common goals, whereas the Neanderthals were more tribe oriented; and we developed hunting-gathering and they did not. The conclusion was, when similar species occupy the same niche, the superior one will make the other one extinct.

    Applying this to niggers - the world has moved forward with the development of cooperative cultures, farming, saving, harnessing water resources, etc. Niggers have not adapted and have not moved forward. From a dispassionate, purely biological reference frame - niggers are on the road to extinction, on their own, except, the world is deluded into thinking they are fellow humans. Facts always conclude that sub-Saharan genes are inferior, not equipped to think into the future, problem solve, plan, and execute. On top of that, they lack what we humans have: compassion, empathy, morality. To say we are equals is the biggest lie ever.

    Study upon study, niggers are as a group way behind in the thinking process. And if I were to distill all these studies, my challenge to nigger lovers is:

    The proof is in the pudding - human societies thrive, build, maintain, and are in harmony. Nigger "societies" are crumbling, dirty, irredeemable.

    Weak minds retort racism, but not really addressing the reality of the comparisons. So, today, billions are spent to feed the niggers, give them housing, clean water, medicine, all good-intentioned.

    The catch? Niggers are too stupid to understand what they are shown. Niggers are lazy, they won't maintain what they're given. And to top it off, all niggers can do is cry racism, slavery, oppression, and return our kindness with contempt. Niggers have never been grateful.

    To this day, they don't recognize the great sacrifice of lives during the Civil War. They think they were owed that. These days, they are claiming they freed themselves, because they demanded it, and exalt Dred Scott, Harriet Tubman, etc etc.

    The population of Africa is expected to explode in the next 50 years. The Chinese, it appears, will take what they want from Africa. I'm wondering, will there ever come a time that humans wake up and decide NOT to help niggers anymore, because it's a bad investment, and to protect only the human lineage? It looks bleak. 300 years from now, I won't be surprised if we are in a second Dark Ages. If the human race fails to address the poison that is the nigger, and distance ourselves, we will drown along with the savage niggers.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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    Good ol' Queasy! That nigger still around? I forgot all about his black ass. LOL!

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  7. #4
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    Niggers are too stupid and useless to be anything but a burden on civilization.

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