I love animals, have ever since I was a kid. I have an orange tabby, who is a very good boy, for a cat. I adopted him at the SPCA center I volunteer at every weekend.
You may or may not have seen that I live in Maryland, which can look like nigger central despite them only being 20% of the population here. But anywhere over 0.01% is too much for a nigger count.

The SPCA I volunteer at has a massive amount of pit bulls. Most of their reports say they ran away from home (I can't imagine who they ran from or why.) and I've got to say, all the pit bulls I've ever walked and taken care of were cuddle bugs. They're friendly as fuck when they see a white person. They also have some of the best smiles I've ever seen, seriously look up pit bull smiles. They're so innocent.

They really are sweet dogs when raised right and not used for dog fights. It's shit skins like Michael Vick that give pit bulls a bad name.

Niggers want to look tough. They'll even use Cane Corsos to try to look tough when Cane Corsos are one of the top sweetest dog breeds (and slobberiest. But what do you expect? They're an Italian breed, smelling all that good Italy food all day.) I remember seeing a nigger walking his Cane Corso in Home Depot and how upset he looked when I got excited and knelt down to pet his "angry dog."

Animals need our protection from niggers. Animals and the environment reflect the innocent joys and peace of nature that is meant to inspire us and give us a sense of connection/equilibrium to the world we are born into, feeding into our sense of ethics and morality. The generous white mind with our natural instinct to preserve and care for the land is repaid with an animals gratitude, which is why dogs are a man's best friend.

Niggers divorce from this notion with their savagery and ignorance. Treating anything less than they are with brutality and disregard. Niggers must be expelled from the planet if it is to continue to survive. And they can take the sand niggers with them; providing more than 45% of all pollution and land rape in the world.