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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    I hate those stupid sand nigger Kardashians.

    I don't find it coincidental at all that the Kardashians are materialistic, pompous, blue-blooded inhuman garbage like the rest of the sand niggers.
    What does baffle me is how many people still don't know they're Muhammads.

    You've all seen my screen name by now. Even if you're not familiar with the tragedy of Lara Logan, you'd still understand why the Middle East needs to be turned into a glass parking lot. It doesn't surprise me in the least that the fuck monkey Muhammads would invent something as horrific as taharrush.

    Having the Kardashians in our country, taking up space with inoperable expenses in completely useless brandishing lifestyles to try to make themselves look like anything more than basic sand niggers and polluting our civilization with more half nigger kids makes me sick. Look what they did to Gwen Stefani. That aryan pop star had originality, she had her own style and now she looks like another keeping-up-with-the-Muhammads clone.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    Armenians aren’t sand niggers. They are Caucasus people.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaraLoganisaSaint View Post
    I don't find it coincidental at all that the Kardashians are materialistic, pompous, blue-blooded inhuman garbage like the rest of the sand niggers.
    What does baffle me is how many people still don't know they're Muhammads.

    You've all seen my screen name by now. Even if you're not familiar with the tragedy of Lara Logan, you'd still understand why the Middle East needs to be turned into a glass parking lot. It doesn't surprise me in the least that the fuck monkey Muhammads would invent something as horrific as taharrush.

    Having the Kardashians in our country, taking up space with inoperable expenses in completely useless brandishing lifestyles to try to make themselves look like anything more than basic sand niggers and polluting our civilization with more half nigger kids makes me sick. Look what they did to Gwen Stefani. That aryan pop star had originality, she had her own style and now she looks like another keeping-up-with-the-Muhammads clone.
    Actually, the kartrashians have identified as Christian. Even though they are DISGUSTING, ENTITLED Nigger CUM DUMPSTERS they are not @$$lifters. Armenia was the first country to make Christianity their state religion and we all know how for 1400 years @$$lifters have waged war on people of other religions, and if people didn't convert to jizzlam they were forced to pay jizya (tax.) I HATE @$$lifters as much as I hate niggers and while the kartrashians DISGUST me, as far as I know thet are not mudslimes. Around 1907 there was the Armenian Genocide, and these were Christian Armenians who were raped and murdered by Turkish @$$lifters. Mudslimes are WORHLESS and so are the kartrashians but they aren't muslim. I have Castilian Spanish DNA on my mothers side and her ancestors were the ones who defeated the Moors and drove them out of Spain. It's time for a second Reconquest around the world!!

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    I don't really consider sandniggers as a race or a species, they are a result of centuries of inbreeding and brainwashing by their sick, pedophile worshiping "religion". After all, their ancestors build some of the earliest civilized cultures. Now they are possibly worse and more dangerous than niggers, because there are still some human genes in them.

    Probably the Armenians are genetically quite close to the ancient Arabs because Armenia is bordered by some current mudslime shitholes but as an almost entirely Christian country they are definitely not sandniggers. LardAssian clan is a disgrace to Armenians and entire humanity but there's no reason to condemn all Armenian people because of them.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Armenians are physically close to Southwest Russians, Georgians, Northern Kurds, etc.

  6. #6
    Niggers Are Not Human
    Chimpout Guest
    I don't understand why some people here are defending the Kardashians, as they are trannies and niggerloving cumdumpsters.

    Regardless of their ancestral origins, the harsh reality is that they are coalburners and I don't give a fuck if they are "white," because as far as I am concerned, anyone that has sex with a nigger IS a nigger.

    Also, their niglets are niggers and not human.

    Prove me wrong. You can't.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I don't really consider sandniggers as a race or a species, they are a result of centuries of inbreeding and brainwashing by their sick, pedophile worshiping "religion". After all, their ancestors build some of the earliest civilized cultures. Now they are possibly worse and more dangerous than niggers, because there are still some human genes in them.

    Probably the Armenians are genetically quite close to the ancient Arabs because Armenia is bordered by some current mudslime shitholes but as an almost entirely Christian country they are definitely not sandniggers. LardAssian clan is a disgrace to Armenians and entire humanity but there's no reason to condemn all Armenian people because of them.
    I dated a girl who was half Armenian 22 years ago. She was HOT and we had good times!! Best thing was she HATED niggers!! Not all Armenians are like the nigger cum receptacle kartrashians!!

  8. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Niggers Are Not Human View Post
    I don't understand why some people here are defending the Kardashians, as they are trannies and niggerloving cumdumpsters.

    Regardless of their ancestral origins, the harsh reality is that they are coalburners and I don't give a fuck if they are "white," because as far as I am concerned, anyone that has sex with a nigger IS a nigger.

    Also, their niglets are niggers and not human.

    Prove me wrong. You can't.
    I’m not defending Kardishians. I’m saying just because of them, it’s unreasonable to insult Armenians as a whole.

  9. #9
    Chimpout Guest
    those cum dumpsters aren't even full blooded armenian. They are american trash with some distant ancestor being armenian. They have nothing to do with armenia except for some lingering dna. why do americans feel the need to say they are from another country when they are not?

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