I've got to ask a serious question about niggers. Recently, it was said that the state of California was going to give reparations to niggers for some reason. First it was 5 million each, now it's 200,000 for each nigger. This article from the New York Post from two months ago says reparations will be as much as 569 billion.


There's no way niggers are THAT stupid, right? They think that America will give them that much, when a white person explains that it would destroy our country, they don't care because "no one suffers more than a nigger" or whatever.
First of fucking all, no. America doesn't owe anyone shit, least of all the 13% who keep trying to eat at the core of our great country. "Ask not what your country can do for you" especially if you've done nothing to contribute to the blood sweat and trials that went into making this nation of ours, fucking niggers.

Second point: There's a nigger who works at a coffee bar down the street from my place who goes to the same college I went to, before I realized what a waste modern college is. The nigger started flirting with me, giving me smiles and wiggling her fat monkey ass as she made my order. Being polite and civilized, I asked her what she did, she said she's getting an art degree (second most useless degree in the world.) Then this nigger plans on moving to France. I asked "how are you going to get the money? because I graduated and am financially worse off for it." she said "I'm not worried, I've got a scholarship."
We all know about the scholarships they hand out to niggers for free, right? Same system that hired those five nibber cops that killed Tire Nickels.

I don't understand. There's no way our country is just giving niggers free shit without an endgame in mind. I refuse to believe it. Klaus Schwab, the ruler of the world (believe it) is a German who grew up in Ravensburg and he's got all the world's leaders and billionaires in his pockets. There's no WAY he's bending the knee for niggers.

Look at Ghana. They're planning on bringing all the niggers back to Africa and have publicly stated that they want to use local gold for their own currency. Did none of those niggers hear what happened to Gaddafi? Do they really think the powers that be; America, Russia and China are going to let another country rise to competition? Especially a country full of rapist, murdering, smooth-brained mud monkeys?