This nigger bitch who watches the lobby of my building called the cops on me for getting creamer at our free coffee stand!

It's late here. I work nights from home and every night I go down to the lobby to take advantage of the coffee stand my landlord installed for us. The apartment staff knows this, they know me.
I'm on my third cup, and the nigger yells "Don't get any more! You've had enough!"
I took out my phone to record this and asked her "Why?" she barked back "You not allowed!" I said "No, you've got explain why I'm not allowed." the nigger hooted again "You ain't allowed! It ain't my fault you ain't got creamer!"
I responded, keeping my voice calm "I'm dirt poor, I can't afford creamer at the moment. Our landlord said it was for residents and visitors and I'm a resident."
she hooted again "YOU STILL CAN'T COME DOWN HERE!" (In my own fucking lobby to my apartment)
I turned back around to get creamer.
She started hollering "I SAID NO!"
"Why are you telling me I can't get creamer? Are you racist?" I asked.
She started barring her teeth over her mask and glaring at me. I swear she looked like she wanted to throw her shit. She starts babbling and chirping incoherently in a rage.
I kept my cool for the phone camera and said "This is for residents. How about you just let me be and we can keep the peace?"
She sat her fat monkey ass back down and huffed like a child.
I got my creamer and went back upstairs. An hour later the cops arrived. I asked them why, they said the nigger called them on me because I was disturbing the peace.
I showed them the video I took and they told me if she gave me any more shit to make sure to record it and show them. Then they gave me a fist bump and told me to have a good night.
I went back down for a top off, gave the nigger a smile with my fourth cup of the evening.

Finally feeling the tide turning for white folks. People are starting to see that niggers can't get away with shit just because of their skin color. Moral of the modern story, make sure you've got proof, fellas.