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  1. #1
    Super Moderator
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    Mohammad busted with 19 stolen vehicles in his South Phoenix AZ chop shop

    South Phoenix is the nigger side of Phoenix. Usually the chop shop racket would be a bunch of niggers if it was in South Phoenix. Camel jockeys making inroads into nigger criminality, looks like.
    South Phoenix chop shop crackdown ends with 19 stolen cars recovered, suspect arrested

    A salvage yard owner has been arrested during a south Phoenix chop shop investigation that ended with the recovery of more than a dozen stolen cars, the Arizona Dept. of Public Safety announced Wednesday.

    Detectives were inspecting salvage yards near 43rd Avenue and Broadway on Jan. 17 in an effort to stop chop shop operations. Officials said they inspected 12 businesses and served search warrants for three of them.
    After 40th Ave on Broadway or Baseline is pretty much known locally as a place where niggers sell crack after dark. Where I used to work, they had a lot on 40th and Baseline and no one ever wanted to be sent out there.

    Authorities inspected 2,150 vehicles, recovered 19 stolen cars, and arrested one suspect.

    Mohammad Moe Lathgani, 36, faces a number of charges including operating a chop shop, drug possession, and four counts of theft of means of transportation.

    Lathgani was the owner of the 1st Choice Auto Parts #2 salvage yard, officials said.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    A filthy, ass-lifting mozzie.... The scum of the earth. According to him and his nation destroying ilk, what has been taken is promised in their little pig-book, the quran. It's even got a name: 'Jizya'. Jizya is the tribute paid by infidels to their mozzie overlords.

    This guy believes Allah has ordained that he be paid and paid huge amounts. This creature does not consider his non asslifter neighbors as equals. He was sent to lord over them.

    Over time... this piece of crap and his mozzie pals represent a greater threat than even niggers. Beware.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    At the core of Liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of spoiled brats. - PJ O'Rourke

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