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  1. #1
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Media/DemonRATS to Hard Working Coal Miners: 'Learn to Code'

    This is admittedly and old story but one that has stuck in my memory. Remember this outrage??? Hard-working, God fearing family men who coal mine told by that fuckwit, Biden, that their jobs are all but gone and to 'learn to code'.... I was just taken aback when I heard the filthy, vermin MSM report on what the pig-DemonRATS so smugly told these good people... It's just kind of stayed in the back of my mind. For some reason today I've figured out why... These socialist, seditious pig DemonRATS and their Media lap-dogs would NEVER, EVER tell the filthy NIGGER BEASTS - WHO DO NOTHING - to 'learn how to code'.... Nope.... Not them ...... Their nigger pets are too good to do something actually constructive....

    And therein lies the outrage... 13+ percent of the population DOING NOTHING BUT BEING PARASITES AND CREATING CHAOS.... Nope... They don't get the message to be constructive.... Being lazy, destructive, criminal NIGGER filth is all the DemonRATS could want out of this rabble....

    Here's Fuckwit Biden saying the unthinkable... And getting away with it

    Sorry... My morning rant.

    Last edited by Kagman; 01-09-2023 at 01:14 PM.
    At the core of Liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of spoiled brats. - PJ O'Rourke

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  3. #2
    Ray Cizzums's Avatar
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    Yes, but when the woke MSM was downsizing, telling the fired propagandists to "Learn to code" became banned "hatespeech"
    on Shitter and FacePuke. Then there was the glowing article about sheboons, who "Wuz learnin' to code". They were taught
    some kindergarten-level nonsense, which made headlines nationwide. When commenters pointed out that a thorough understanding
    of what was being coded is necessary, they were banned, for you guessed it - hatespeech.

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    Yes, but when the woke MSM was downsizing, telling the fired propagandists to "Learn to code" became banned "hatespeech" on Shitter and FacePuke. Then there was the glowing article about sheboons, who "Wuz learnin' to code". They were taught
    some kindergarten-level nonsense, which made headlines nationwide. When commenters pointed out that a thorough understanding
    of what was being coded is necessary, they were banned, for you guessed it - hatespeech.
    Exactly! The same goes for all the useless government employees - probably 80% of administrative jobs are bullshit-jobs, that could be replaced by a computer. Over here, whenever the wrong people are complaining, MSM either declares that as "envy" or "hatespeech", but if it's the right group of people, it is "a question of justice and equality".

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