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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Detroit (2017): More Anti White Propaganda

    So they're making a movie about Detroit. It makes one wonder what that movie could possibly be about, does it not?

    Maybe it'll be about how niggers, unions, and niggerized unions destroyed the Paris of the US?

    Oh, I know! It's gonna be about how, after all these years of niggerfuxation and liberal leadership, they still haven't managed to do ANYTHING to improve the city! Right? Right?!

    Guess again -

    And you thought Confederate was gonna be bad...

    Notice the trend of how Hollyweird Always has to go way back in history to find instances where niggers actually WERE victimized.

  2. #2
    Gul Dukat
    Chimpout Guest
    If you ever wanted to do a Fallout movie, Detroit would be the place.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gul Dukat View Post
    If you ever wanted to do a Fallout movie, Detroit would be the place.
    For sure..

    Sent from my D6708 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
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    So they're making a movie about Detroit.
    Just saw the trailer. JFC, producers are combing through the pages of history, desperately looking for any little incident or event they can blow up into, "OH the poor niggers! Look how mean, evil, cruel YT treated them!"

    And if the incidents aren't actually ABOUT niggers, they will shoehorn some niggers into any story, no matter how out of place they are (have we seen any nigger Vikings yet?) and they must always be better, smarter, kinder than any YT could be.

    Aren't people getting sick of this BS yet?

    Think I"ll rewatch "Tombstone". Nary a nig in sight.

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