My message is to all people of the United States of America.

If the USA has genuinely voted for the Democrats in the numbers we are told, then as a nation you deserve what's coming! There's nothing else to be said on that score.
And don't even bank on the Republicans taking back the House. The Democrats have apparently taken the Senate, and we'll probably be told that surprisingly the Democrats have increased their control in the House of Representatives! Well well - what a surprise!

However, if - as I believe - these crooks have found the way to permanently screw the figures at election time, then the American people have some very serious thinking to do.
The USA has always stood firmly for freedom; and freedom comes ONLY through free and fair elections. Your voice has been taken away from you, right under your noses. It took a few years - but they've finally managed to do it.

Without parents knowing, their children have been indoctrinated with anti-western propaganda; they've been taught that their nation is evil; that everything they've been proudly representing is wrong; that putting niggers in positions of power is the right thing to do, when every single example throughout history shows that wherever the nigger is in charge, poverty and squalor is the result.
This is the generation that will from now on be the citizens marking their ballot papers. In the future, there will be no need to cheat; the new Generation Moron will keep the Communists in power permanently.

In the 1960s, the Democrat Party represented very different principles compared to today. As I sit contemplating the terrible future that America is probably facing, the words of John F. Kennedy come to mind:

"Let every nation know - whether it wishes us well or ill - that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

The man must be turning in his grave.

What I have suspected for some time may shortly come to pass. As a man who loves my friends across the Atlantic - and one who genuinely feels a part of your nation because of that love - I wish the Patriots in your land all the very best in the struggle to come. Democracy is now taking shallow breaths; it will soon be gasping.

Democracy is dying, and we cannot allow that to happen.