Single Mom Explains Why She Was Kicked Out Of A Church Food Pantry After Daughter Was Caught With Lollipop

Why isn't your pet nigger providing for his 'family?'
After trying to access food donations at a local church, one mother was outraged that her daughter’s lollipop was the reason for her getting kicked out.

TikToker, Dallas Kathleen Stat shared her story in a video about how she went to the church food pantry with her daughter for the first time to get food that is reserved for families in need.

Her daughter had been sucking on a lollipop that she had gotten for Halloween while they were waiting for their turn.

Stat was taken aback as this stranger was yelling at her kid. She wasn’t aware of the rules but she still didn’t appreciate the lady’s behavior.

“And she’s like, ‘she can’t have candy, she needs to leave now’ and I’m like, ‘Raylin, bite the sucker’ so she bites the sucker and I hand the girl the stick and I’m like, ‘here, problem solved,’” Stat said.