While that is just an updated, affirmative action version of the old joke (where the previous answer was "doctor"), the situations that incompetent nigger doctors create are no laughing matter.

Another day in the ER. I hear a commotion and what appears to be a white female voice shouting. I rush over and see a young white woman, maybe mid-twenties, in bad shape, I mean BAD, deathly pale and practically hyperventilating. A nigger buck doctor (different from the immigrant African Bongo doctor in my other story - this one was a homegrown ape and probably even more uppity) was arguing with her. Turns out Dr. Willie Brillo wanted to send this girl home with a diagnosis of a "mild upper respiratory infection" and she was having none of it, demanding to be admitted to the hospital and demanding to see a "real doctor." One look at her condition was enough for me, didn't even have to take her temperature (later found out it was 103). I called for another doctor (who was white) and she immediately ordered an IV and a cart to the ICU for the poor girl.

Turns out, it was pneumonia, the girl was severely dehydrated, her pulse was racing, and the nigger doctor was going to send her home knowing she didn't even have anyone to drive her. Even if she hadn't passed out and caused an accident while driving, she could have gone into respiratory arrest at home. Luckily, WHITEY was there to save the day and the girl made a full recovery after spending a week in the hospital.

Lawyers got involved. The hospital settled quickly, for a generous amount (yet another "nigger tax" white people indirectly have to pay), and Dr. Willie Brillo became Unemployed Willie Brillo.

Affirmative action can kill.