I didn't know where this belongs. In a nutshell, it is about how the subject of niggers always leads to trouble.

I've been with my GF since 2016, so we know each other very well. She's a conservative, and it took a while before I started talking about niggers as "Niggerians". She doesn't like hearing nigger and faggot so to keep the peace, I avoid it.

Out of the blue tonight, she said, "I'm getting tired of your racist outlook. You don't have an open mind ". I told her, I'm this way because of the truth, facts, and how I've dealt with blacks. She said, yeah, but "you have to take each person separately ".

I said, feel free to go to Compton tonight, and we'll see what they are "Oh no, I wouldn't do that." Then I said something about it's good to be safe by knowing what they are, instead of finding out first hand their potential for violence.

Then I continued that I'm tired of hearing illegals crossing, having to hear non-English talk at Lowe's, etc. I said why do I have to deal with that when they should not exist in here anyway. She said I've made my point. I said I'm tired of seeing them pregnant all the time and with 3 kids in tow.

In retrospect, earlier in the evening she seemed to be angling for a fight. She was talking about people like me who take things too seriously, and voted for Trump. And that I think I'm always right. I said, I'm just for rule of law and righteousness. And I make my assertions based on facts and sound logical deductions. A male is male, no 2 things about it. In the past she complains if I give disapproving looks seeing gays on TV.

Actually, tonight I hardly said anything about seeing gorilla faces in ads or in the news. They really are a foul ugly race that for the life of me, society thinks are our equals. I told her, lately, have you heard anything racist or complaints about illegals lately, from me?

The exchange just pissed me off. She wanted to start a new series to watch on Netflix, but how could I, as I was already fuming? So I just said good night and left. And I'm still fuming.

She maintains her black acquaintances and co- workers are nice and friendly. That's the point, though, is that what they portray but given time, watch out. I've actually decided I've told her as much as I could about the ferals, and her fate is her own if she really thinks her co-workers can be trusted.