Think I’ve watched the video 20+ times by now, it is legendary.

The whole story is hilarious, downlow niggers fighting in the street in front of a gay bar over monkeypox and get their bat wings. Based on the comments I’ve seen on that YouTube video I don’t think many agree with the media on it being tragic or horrific. Now all that’s left is to hear about the fourth nigger getting its wings and fluttering down to hell and the driver hopefully being a nigger and getting caged. Win win.

Edit, naturally the fambly are boo hooing crocodile tears and “demanin sum ansuhs”
dey is goot bois who vissitun frum oudda town n got plowed down an cans sleep n sheeeit
when they find the driver will be worth any gibs for the dumb niggers? We’ll know soon… the car was recovered wrecked already