I'm starting to get a little stressed out... I just went to my local supermarket to try and get some meat, and the cheapest thing there was chicken gizzards for $9. Beer has more than doubled in price. Frozen potatoes are now around $6 a bag (almost making it cheaper to consider buying a bag of chips.) A loaf of bread is $4 minimum. Peanut butter is $9 for the smallest jar.

It almost makes more sense to get fast food instead of buying food at the store and cooking it myself.

It's disturbing how quickly things seem to be falling apart.

And of course there's the war against Russia that I'm sure nobody except Joey Biden wanted (who else thought spending billions of dollars on an unwinnable war was a good idea?), the ridiculous diesel prices (I can't be the only one here that would tolerate higher gas prices if it meant dropping the price of diesel by $1-2 for a couple of months), the attempts to replace our energy grids with green energy, the elites telling us to eat cake buy Teslas, and all kinds of boneheaded decisions that seem to be doing nothing except destroying our once beautiful nation.

I know the liberals, niggers, democrats, black people of color, antifas, and the colored people hated Trump, but I'll bet even some of them would rather have "orange man bad" running the USA instead of Joey. I don't really understand how it is possible for our politicians to be failing so badly. I mean, this goes beyond incompetence and feels like dangerous malicious intent, especially considering so many of our problems could have been avoided.

I mean, it feels almost like they make decisions without ever considering the long term consequences. It's practically nigger tier stupidity in some cases. If things keep going the way they are, I bet people will start rioting. If food prices keep increasing at the current rate, people are going to start starving.

I wonder if Russia would let me emigrate there... I heard they had lots of food and water... and jobs... and a strong ruble, unlike the euro or the dollar... and they hate niggers...