Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
WTF do you know or care about our Constitution?

Fuck off, Harry. Your ancestors refusal to accept natural law and inherent human rights is what led to our rebellion and independence from your silly royal whims in the first place. Nobody in the real world gives a shit what you say or think and that's before you ever opened your mouth to show your stupidity. You will never understand us anymore than a straphanger understands a Harley rider.

A ginger cuck boy that walked out on his family and responsibilities to hand his balls over to a niggress is not a person that has earned the attention or respect of anyone.

Was it really that hard to be a quiet royal bastard? All you had to do was toe the reptilian family line like you were one of them, show up for a few parades after a short stint in the military and do some photo ops with a chest full of undeserved medals. The media would have happily covered up your family's sins for the privilege of getting front row seats for your royal ass kissing. You probably could have even kept your little quadroon slut on the down low and no-one would have given a shit.

Welcome to America. Outside of Orca Winfrey and her drones, we don't give a shit about you or your nigger d movie actress whore. We care even less what you think.

Every stinkin' word!!!

We should listen to the Royal Idiot, Prince Ginger Cuck. What with all his experiences and struggles in the Real World I'm sure he has much wisdom to share.