For decades, ever since niggers were given civil rights, they have become incredibly uppity, arrogant, and violent. I think it is time that we do something about this threat to humankind.

I propose the following changes to our laws:

1. Make abortion and sterilization mandatory for niggers and criminals that make the conscious choice to be repeat offenders, to include rapists and those with an excessive number of children (for example, niggers with 8 niglets and 9 baby mamas).
2. Make it illegal for niggers to vote in any capacity due to their low intellect and poor moral standing.
3. Make it a crime for niggers to have guns or weapons for any reason.
3. Make it illegal for niggers to gather in groups of 5 or more.
4. Make it illegal for niggers to miscegenate with humans, and make public displays of affection between niggers and humans a crime, with the only exception being if the niggers are openly and visibly worshipping humans in a non-sexual manner.
5. Make it illegal for niggers to learn to read and write in any capacity for any reason.
6. Make it legal to pay niggers 3/5's or less than what a human might earn for the same job.
7. Make it legal to force niggers to work for free if they have been convicted of a crime in a court of law.
8. Make it illegal for niggers to testify against humans in a court of law.
9. Make it so that niggers no longer have the freedom of speech.
10. Make it illegal for niggers to be in the human parts of town after sundown.
11. Make it illegal for niggers to disrespect humans for any reason.
12. Make it illegal for niggers to burn, loot, and murder.
13. Make it illegal for niggers to live in humans cities.
14. Make it illegal for niggers to shop in human stores.
15. Make it illegal for niggers to eat inside of human restaurants.

Niggers have never understood or appreciated the freedoms we gave them, and I think we should take those freedoms away from them. Legally, of course, through the legal system and the courts of law. I hate niggers and I consider them to be an inferior species.

Niggers may vaguely resemble humans in their general physical shape, but they do not have the same intellectual capacity, and they are genetically inferior. I will never respect any nigger, ever, and I consider their existence in human civilizations a blight that continues to degrade and demoralize human society. Ideally, I would love for every nigger in the USA to be spayed or neutered before being deported back to Africa, but since that is unlikely to happen...

I hate niggers so much. The mere thought of being in the same room as a nigger makes me want to projectile vomit. I think niggers are absolutely disgusting and it makes me sick when I have to pretend that these subhuman beasts are my equals in public. I hate niggers so much, and if we can't get rid of them, we should change the laws so that we can make their existences as miserable as possible.

There is nothing more vile and reprehensible than treating niggers like they have somehow earned the rights and privileges that are granted to human beings. Niggers are not human and never will be human. I hate niggers.