So,I go look at a complete flooring job in a rental home a while back for a customer i’ve been working for the last 10 yrs. The tenant was a fucking fat ass lazy nigger sow. I had reluctantly scheduled the job for this morning. It has been scheduled for weeks now.
I had let the customer know that because the home is occupied,I needed all the furniture moved from the main area,so I can get that all done,then the funiture can be moved out of the bedrooms and I can start working there. The customer said it would be done.I doubted it!
Now,I called the nigger tenant after supper last night to see if it was ready for me. The fucking sow acted like it was the fucking boss and said “you’re getting paid,you should move the furniture” In a professional way, I let it know that I don’t move furniture. But I would allow one or two large pieces to stay in the room that we could work around. Like a couch or a large bookcase. The nigger replied” I don’t want you in my home if you can’t complete the job!“ I politely hung up and didn’t call it a nigger!
I was very professional and immediately called the owner/customer. I explained that I would not be going there because her tenant was very rude to me and refused to move the furniture. And I was not gonna put up with that every day for the next week. I was going to wait till later this morning and schedule some thing else . I have many other scheduled jobs and I was going to just bump somebody up and take the day off today. Figured it’s a good day to go to the range.
Well, my customer called this morning at 5 am and she was pissed! She told me “you have been doing my work for 10 years. You do great work and I don’t want to lose you.” I’d let her know that I would work for her again ,just not under these circumstances. Well, she started going on about how she hated niggers and the fucking property management co set her up with this fucking sow! She went on to say she would never rent to a nigger again! Then she started sweet talking me.
I really did not want to start this job today. But I left off the phone promising my customer that I would do the job. But I’m getting an extra $500 to help the fucking nigger move the goddamn furniture. So today, I’m going to be moving furniture for a fucking nigger! Should be a real fun fucking time! I’m sure my Cuban work partner will be fucking thrilled! He’s from South Miami and he hates niggers almost much as I do! I hope I can get though thing without losing my cool!