I just don't understand how this is acceptable. For years, gays were only screaming that they just wanted to not be discriminated against and nothing more. This was a lie.

Now the alphabet gang is taking over the entire education system with every aberrant behavior imaginable.

I saw and predicted this years ago. At the time that all this started, if you had told Americans that the trans crowd would be forced upon our children as normal, most people would say that this would not be acceptable. Like boiling a frog, what is too much to handle soon becomes normal before you realize you are cooked.

Yesterday it was open homosexuality preached as normal and alternative. Today it's the trans crowd. Tomorrow, it will be the normalization of pedophilia. It's already started by invading the classrooms.



Nobody ever passed out condoms and butt lube in a straight pride parade. There has never been a straight pride parade. I'm not proud because I'm normal or straight. I am simply normal and straight. Why would anybody be proud of their particular sexuality, anyway?

It's all just proof that it was never about discrimination, it was never even about pride. It's about the destruction of Western values and the family unit.