I remember those days too though there was always a healthy disdain for them for most of my life. It seems that as I have gotten older--and especially since I quit all social media and watching anything related to current events---that I have become even more bitter to their kind. Everywhere I go, it's another reminder of all that is wrong with society. I recently re-watched the old 80s movie Dead Poets Society with my 17 year old daughter. I remember pausing it at an early scene where a) all the students in the classroom of the school not only wore proper attire to school but stood up almost at attention with the teacher entered the room, and b) there were no niggers anywhere. I told her that I really wish the youth today in our southern schools (as well as elsewhere probably) showed that much respect to their elders and then pointed out how there wasn't one black person (nigger, but I don't speak that way in front of my daughter because I'm not a fcking nigger) in the entire movie. She understood where I was going with that.

I remember my mother always telling me when I was a boy about what her father, my grandfather, used to say after the (((civil rights))) protests concluded: Everything is going to change now. He was so incredibly right. We could literally sit and enjoy a drink or three and chat for hours on this.