We can agree that niggers do not act like humans...but I am here to say that whatever that thing was that killed those children (and adults) in Texas yesterday was not human either.A human simply could not kill innocent people,even its own family, with such indifference.Yes, it killed its own kind, but those people were innocent.Thank God this piece of shit was killed quickly by law enforcement. And the media can hardly hide their ecstasy as they endlessly parade this tragedy before Americans and cry for more gun control.They, along with the gun grabbing demoncrats are just as despicable for politicizing this tragedy.Our idiot in chief wasted no time in calling for stripping MY rights because of some deranged beaner.
What "action" do you want you stupid son of a bitch? It's already illegal to kill children, adults, and your Damon grandma.You think one more law will stop a psycho from killing?
There is a special place in the depths HELL for child killers, and right next to it is the place for those who use their death to further their own liberal agenda.Makes me want to buy another AR15 today just piss off Joe Retard.
Sorry this post is not directly related to niggers, it is about the next closest thing.....liberals...
And don't get slack on packing.....you just might find yourself the only thing between the next fucked up teenager and innocent people.