Quote Originally Posted by Blackout View Post
It certainly could be. It's very conveniently playing into their hands. They'll say he was radicalized by the far-right, but, as you say, he was probably a mind controlled tool. Also, the first person he shoots is some random white woman.
There is no such thing as being radicalized by the far right. You cannot move too far to the right. It can't be done. Any suggestion to the contrary is made by liberal political science professors and I categorically reject the notion that left and right meet in some type of circle. There is a right way to do anything including govern. When something deviates from right, it becomes instantly wrong. The only question is how bad and how fast something will be screwed up.

The fact that he shot a random white woman is the first proof of many that this is complete bullshit in my mind.

Having studied enough about CIA mind control and other black projects, I assume that alphabet agency bastards are behind this shit.

I'm quite used to being called a nut job by friends and family alike for my assumption of the worst when it comes to stuff like this. I'm so jaded by the corrupt media and politicians that my first response to any news remotely like this is always one well beyond skepticism. I assume that I am hearing lies because I've caught them too many times. They lie more than they tell the truth and it's not just with politics. It's with literally everything imaginable. If someone presents something as fact, my first response is prove it!

I've been this way as long almost as far back as I can remember with most things. Probably around 5th grade is when I started questioning what I was told and I've never stopped. I've been told I annoy the shit out of people due to my zetetic philosophy and approach to everything. My teachers mostly hated me - except for the few that were actually good teachers. For some reason, they loved and enjoyed me.

Now I'm middle aged, everyone but the people that count hate me and I don't give a shit. It's liberating.