First, they put this damn thing on a forklift. A sheboon nigger trying to operate a 5000 pound machine on wheels with two long forks sticking out of the front of it. What the hell could go wrong here? They pretty much give you a hour long training course on how to drive and set it up so that nobody can fail the test. A blind man could pass it. This boon has did this many times to me and others as well. If you enter a aisle where she is on her lift, no matter how far away you are she starts screaming, yelling and cussing at you. I turn the corner the other day on a golf cart and there she is. I knew what was coming. I stopped a good 50 feet away from her because this is where I was going. She stops as well and is looking at me, motioning for me to come on, flashing her lights on and off and then starts screaming. I am trying to point out to her that I am not going any further, this is where I need to be. I was not blocking her, I was pulled over far enough that a truck could have driven through with no problems. I drop off what I have and then move forward. As I am passing her I can hear her cussing away at me. I have to make another stop around 25 feet past her. She flips out again. Backs up right beside of me "Wyze U stopping here? U always in da way!" I tell her I am dropping off papers to various employees. She did not listen. Just kept yapping and cussing. I really am holding it in the best I can because I know if I let it out it is going to get very ugly-and to use a nigger phrase I don't want to go there. Finally I ask her what is her name. Laquanda or some crazy shit. I hop on my vehicle and drive off. Go around the corner and start screaming-letting it all out.
If this nigger isn't a crack whore there isn't a God in Heaven. She just has that look, skinny, jittery, eyes always bugged out of her head. If she is not on crack I bet she was at some point. I call and ask to speak to a union steward and to my supervisor and explain the entire thing. I have several witnesses who saw her and how she reacted to me that backed my story up and others who have had similar run-ins with her as well. Nobody likes her, even other niggers complain about her. Where this will end up at I don't know. I took a few days off, hopefully when I come back she will be gone.