No Shitflix allowed in the Cizzum's household. You hire niggerfaggot Barry Hussein and Big Mike Obama,
you can GFYM. You'd think these "Streaming" services would offer an alternative to woketurd dogshit, but
the opposite is true. Just for giggles, I opened some app on my smart tv called "Tubi", looked at the lineup,
picked out some war movie I never saw, and hit play. What pops out of my screen ? Colorfully attired transvestites,
adults and children, leaping to and fro - followed by me turning off said dogshit. That'll teach me to ever look any
shit-stream ever again. It's bad enough paying for cable and satellite, and seeing niggers and gays nonstop, then
gay HIV niggers, and now child trannies. It's time someone started streaming tracers and ball at these fucking deviants.