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  1. #1
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    Tricking white people into admitting "racism against blacks still exists"

    I came across a meme saying something along the lines of "white people don't think there's racism against blacks, yet most wouldn't not choose to be born black or have a half-black child" (it was a while ago, but if I find it again, I'll post it here)

    No. Let me clarify: the reason I wouldn't want to be born black or have a half-nigger kid is because niggers are sadistically cruel and hideous looking

    What niggers and their liberal worshippers call 'racism', is simply caution and common sense to non-blacks (especially those who have had the luck to be surrounded by blacks for years)

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  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by yuanlieren View Post
    I came across a meme saying something along the lines of "white people don't think there's racism against blacks, yet most wouldn't not choose to be born black or have a half-black child" (it was a while ago, but if I find it again, I'll post it here)

    No. Let me clarify: the reason I wouldn't want to be born black or have a half-nigger kid is because niggers are sadistically cruel and hideous looking

    What niggers and their liberal worshippers call 'racism', is simply caution and common sense to non-blacks (especially those who have had the luck to be surrounded by blacks for years)
    Let me state my position clearly: I do think there's racism against blacks, because blacks are not capable of behaving in a civilised manner. Nature made them hideous-looking for a reason!
    I personally cannot imagine a greater misfortune than to be born black. Those horrible creatures have nothing that I covet; I just wish they'd all disappear forever, leaving the world a much nicer place to live in.
    Blacks are trying to make us ashamed of being racist. Well, I'm proud of my race - and wouldn't wish to belong to any other group.

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  5. #3
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    There are so many reasons we don’t want to be niggers and none of them involve “oppressions by da whyte man”. Here are my main reasons: they’re ugly, they’re stupid and they stink. There are many more reasons but I will keep it simple.

  6. #4
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    I am not a racist!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yuanlieren View Post
    What niggers and their liberal worshippers call 'racism', is simply caution and common sense to non-blacks (especially those who have had the luck to be surrounded by blacks for years)
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Let me state my position clearly: I do think there's racism against blacks, because blacks are not capable of behaving in a civilised manner. Nature made them hideous-looking for a reason!
    I personally cannot imagine a greater misfortune than to be born black. Those horrible creatures have nothing that I covet; I just wish they'd all disappear forever, leaving the world a much nicer place to live in.
    Blacks are trying to make us ashamed of being racist. Well, I'm proud of my race - and wouldn't wish to belong to any other group.
    To anyone reading this: This is long so bear with me or TLDR at bottom if you have a twatter sized attention span. I'll understand and honestly, mine is starting to wain as well due to lack of sleep so forgive any grammatical errors if I haven't caught them all.

    There are several divisions of the animal kingdom. They are divided for a reason since their creation. They are so easily observable as self evident truths that they have been classified into groups accepted worldwide, leaving anyone with a proper grade school education able to see and understand them. Of course proper is the operative term here so this does not apply to most public schools.

    I give you the following story to consider. Call it a parable if you want.

    One day on the equine farm, there arose an argument. It seemed that many of the horses thought less of the donkeys and wanted to live apart from them. The horses had many valid reasons to be concerned including different needs and desires as to land, diet, chores and numerous other reasons for contention. They argued that the donkeys were arguably less intelligent, could not run as fast, were lacking in strength and endurance, refused to follow commands, had bad manners, were louder, rude, and prone to other antisocial irresponsible reckless behaviors that the horses found simply intolerable and incompatible to daily horse life and productivity. Their differences, while fine and tolerable living apart with little interaction, were simply too much to deal with under the same barn roof. Eventually, the horses separated themselves from the donkeys and went about their lives. Soon afterwards, the horses found themselves better off for it because they could do everything the donkeys could do but do it better, faster, and more eagerly - thus increasing their worth on the farm.

    Eventually, the donkeys, being more interested in breeding, grazing, laying under a shade tree and braying than working, had so much time on their hooves that they began to notice that the horses appeared to have what seemed to the donkeys to be very enviable living conditions. Maybe they did. After all, they seemed to be fed, groomed, housed and cared for generally better than the donkeys. They were even given fancy shoes to wear! The donkeys grew increasingly jealous.

    Soon, the donkeys started claiming to be horses in an attempt to take what the horses had earned by hard work, intelligence and even nature itself. Complaining louder and louder, eventually the other animals took notice, starting to agree with them for reasons that most of the horses couldn't understand nor did they care to. After all, why should they have cared? It should have been of no concern to the horses what any lazy jack ass or anyone else thought.

    Would the farm owner yield to the donkeys and the other lesser animals demands?

    Would even some of the horses claim that the donkeys were the same as them?

    Surely not! Any fellow horse that did would be foolish to do so. Would another horse actually jeopardize everything that they had earned, including their very existence as a species through over population and limited resources being taken from them to give to these braying jackasses? Surely this treasonous behavior couldn't happen - could it? Surely, even the farm owner would describe those horses that did call for equine equality as suicidal horses and question their sanity and fitness for horse duties!

    Anyone who would argue with what common sense, as well as what their eyes, ears and noses are trying to tell them is, by textbook definition, insane!

    For someone to argue that horses are the same as mules is making a invalid argument even under the observed kingdom classification system.

    I give you the donkey:

    Family: Equidae
    Genus: Equus
    Species: E. africanus
    Subspecies: E. a. asinus

    Here is a horse:
    Family: Equidae
    Genus: Equus
    Species: E. ferus
    Subspecies: E. f. caballus

    While both are members of the same family (Equine), they are two separate species. While an Arabian can breed with a Tennessee Walker, if any horse were to attempt to breed with a donkey, they couldn't even produce a self sustaining breed because they are simply two different species! More on this later.

    There is a reason we were specifically told not to mix species by our creator!

    Here we are:
    Family: Hominidae
    Subfamily: Homininae
    Tribe: Hominini
    Genus: Homo
    Homo sapiens

    Here is just one example a now extinct member of the hominid family:
    Family: Hominidae
    Subfamily: Homininae
    Tribe: Hominini
    Genus: Homo
    Species: Homo erectus

    Up to nineteen percent of sub-Saharans DNA is genetically traced to an extinct hominid species - what researchers called a “ghost population.” You can take a guess where the remaining DNA comes from...

    Remember those suicidal horses? We have our own human versions as well. Here, we call them a variety of different names including liberals, coal burners, socialist, apologist, democrats, media whores, oil drillers and numerous others. Many of them teach schools, define words, entertain, and control the media. These mislead dupes, miscreants and outright possessed individuals constantly lie to us by telling us that humans and niggers are the same species thus encouraging inter-species breeding. Left unchecked, this would ensure worldwide cataclysm and near destruction of our race just like the great Noahic flood and for virtually the same reasons.

    Finally, don't miss the point about donkeys, horses and reproduction. I won't go into a long explanation of chromosome counts and other such high weeds that anyone can educate themselves on with a google search. I'll also spare you all of the scriptural references forbidding the mixing of breeds (species) for the same reason. I'll just say that simply because humans and niggers can produce viable and self replicating life, doesn't mean that it cannot or never has happened outside of our two or any other species. Historically, as provable with fossil, DNA records, and even recent observation, other species have done so. This is why I used the horse/donkey example. It always results in a mule and yes, sometimes the unthinkable happens. Even with mules. They can and do produce reproducible, viable mules. It's not quite as rare as a truly magic nigger, but it has and does happen that even a mule can be fertile - once in a blue moon. As few and far between as these cases are, it's a sad freak of nature with them when it does, just as much as it is when it happens every time between humans and niggers. Mules and their occasional offspring are huge, strong and stupid. Even worse so than their horse/donkey grandparents.

    Of course, possibility doesn't equal authority. Even if you are disinclined to believe in a higher authority, you still know it's not prudent. Think about it - banks can be robbed but should they be?

    On this subject, there is no discernible difference between the words breed, subspecies and race. The only differences are in acceptance as common use in our language for any given animal. Similarly, dogs have pups, cats have kittens, a baby monkey is called an “infant.” Monkeys and apes are genetically close to humans, so sharing the same formal names for their young seems appropriate. Calling a nigger baby an infant does seems appropriate in a formal description as well since they are, in fact, primates like us. It is one of the few things we have in common. Personally I have many other choice words for them such as future felons, sprogs, tar babies, welfare tickets, etc.

    So, the lowest rung on the taxonomic ladder is subspecies, AKA breed, AKA race. Clydesdales and Lusitanos are still horse breeds. Asians, Whites and Native Americans are still humans of different races. We are all still subspecies. Niggers are their own species, but even mixed, the one drop rule still applies.

    A horse will never be a donkey and a NIGGER WILL NEVER BE A HUMAN!!!

    For these reasons, I will never be a racist.

    I will however, always be a speciest.

    Fuck niggers, they're not even human.
    Last edited by tweakstick; 04-20-2022 at 02:23 AM. Reason: Clarifications needed after 3 day insomnia bend.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    This is long so bear with me or TLDR at bottom if you have a twatter sized attention span.

    There are several divisions of the animal kingdom. They are divided for a reason since their creation. They are so easily observable as self evident truths that have been classified into groups accepted worldwide leaving anyone with a proper grade school education able to see and understand them. Of course proper is the operative term here so this does not apply to most public schools.

    I give you the following story to consider. Call it a parable if you want.


    A horse will never be a donkey and a NIGGER WILL NEVER BE A HUMAN!!!

    For these reason, I will never be a racist.

    I will however, always be a speciest.

    Fuck niggers, they're not even human.

    Logically constructed, completely true.... A wonderful contribution. This should be required reading for anyone wishing to join this site....

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  10. #6
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    No one would choose to be born a nigger,just like no one would choose to be born a cockroach.Although,I do hate cockroaches less than i hate niggers.Even niggers hate niggers.Which is why they kill each other so much.

  11. #7
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    We were told race does not exist and we are racist.
    You are dry and you are wet. You are dead and you are alive.

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    We were told race does not exist and we are racist.
    You are dry and you are wet. You are dead and you are alive.
    So, what they are saying also is that Saint Bernard and Chihuahua are social constructs. Only dogs exist.
    These people need to have their heads examined.

    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
    Romans 1:22
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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