Hello everyone!

I found this website some time ago when I were just randomly searching "I hate niggers".
Me, I live in a very blacked neighbourhood, I see these filthy apes all around me, I see them in the local commution as well as the shits making ape noises outside.
I just grow more and more pissed whenever I have to take a stroll outside and see these kind of filth.
The neighbourhood I live in used to be more populated by humans, but the niggers breed like rats and... well, the lucky get to move away from these scum.

Each time I pass through a bunch of niggers I usually think to myself "Disgusting(!!) parasites", I hate the sight of these utterly filthy creatures, and I hate people that makes ape-kids with these low-lives.
They stink, they look Hideous with a capital H and god damn I motherfucking HATE NIGGERS!!!

Rant over, greetings to every Human being here.