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  1. #1
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    Guy who runs charity to rehab/employ nigfelons gets shot in the face and robbed by nigfelon he employed

    Parolee suspected in robbery, shooting of president of non-profit that 'works to reduce recidivism among parolees'

    Curtis Edgleston, 22, who was out on parole for robbery, is accused of robbing, shooting and almost killing the head of a non-profit organization that purports to help keep parolees out of jail.
    The 55-year-old as-yet-unnamed victim was in his truck at around 6:45pm with Edgleston Wednesday afternoon. Edgleston was working for him at the time. At the end of the work day, Edgleston allegedly shot the victim once in the face, twice in the chest, and twice more in the back as he was running away.
    "Edgleston is on parole for a robbery and two thefts that he committed while on probation for another theft case." One of the theft cases also started as a robbery case, but was plea-bargained down to theft.
    Edgleston had known the victim for three days previously, when he came by the halfway house in which he was staying, and offered Edgleston work. According to Assistant State’s Attorney Loukas Kalliantasis, the 55-year-old victim is the president of a non-profit that " to reduce recidivism among parolees by developing life skills and providing job opportunities."
    The victim is listed currently as being in serious condition and remains hospitalized.
    The incident allegedly began with Edgleston asking for more money than the amount agreed upon for his day's work. The victim told Edgleston he refused, which is when Edgleston shot him.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
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    The head of this NPO should have known better. I'm willing to wager he was a nigger himself, probably trying to make quick bucks. No self respecting human would take on such a shit job dealing with these animals.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  5. #3
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    No good deed goes unpunished!

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    No good deed goes unpunished!
    Tru Dat!!

  8. #5
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    The basic nature of niggers always lead them down the path of spending time behind bars. If I have to guess, I'd say about 95% of niggers in America has had at least been in the back of a police car (with some niggers being as young as 5 years old *in human years* that's been cuffed). When humans fail to see the reality of niggers, they ultimately get hurt themselves.

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  10. #6
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    I hope the do-gooder dumbass dies, he deserves it for trying to help niggers.

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  12. #7
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    Today's welfare-bred negroes often grow up without ever knowing anyone who works for a living,
    except public sector employees hired to oversee them. While employed, none of them do any
    physical work, or produce anything, and I consider many of them to be welfare cases as well.
    "Charities" are also scams, which divert "funding" to headquarters, employee salaries, and efforts
    to raise more funds, while spending only a few percent on their stated mission. Getting jailhouse
    negroes to work is a fool's errand. A Back To Africa charity, that gets them the fuck out of here,
    would be worthy of support, if they got results. Even the Salvation Army has been revealed to be
    a leftist scam, and doesn't deserve a dime.

  13. #8
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    Just another Darwin Award candidate, nothing more.

    The law of averages states that all these do-gooder libtard idiots who help niggers will eventually receive a brutal dose of TNB from the very niggers they're helping. It's only a matter of time. Niggers always bite the hand that feeds them. It's in their nature, they're niggers.

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