Quote Originally Posted by vizitor View Post
I'm getting a sense that the demographics of Florida is at least 80% niggers, based on what I'm seeing in that video and not the stated 16%. If there's anyone who actually lives in Florida, I'd like to hear from them.

Niggers, of course, always seem to be in greater numbers than they actually are. Florida is one of those swing states teetering on the edge of the Liberal abyss. And ass-clown Bidet is settling an outsized proportion of the Illegals that have streamed across what was once our Southern Border IN FLORIDA. This president has used FEDERAL money, out tax dollars, to lease planes flying these bonifide FELONS into Florida.. Why?? In due time, these Untermentch will vote, and when they do, it will be unerringly DemocRAT... This is a fucking attack on our Republic as real and as violent as what the Germans were going into the Soviet Union in 1940... The DemocRATS know exactly what they are doing... They are willing to take the hit in the next few elections, sure in the knowledge these new voters will give them SUPER MAJORITIES in both houses in Washington DC in the not too distant future. It will happen in our life times....

This, ladies and Gentlemen, is an act of war on our Republic. A war on you and me....

And when that happens... The fall to third world status will be complete.